NameCBIZ Benefits & Ins Services IncDOIID514101NAIC NPN1599332
License - Line of Authority Information
StatusResidencyClassLine of AuthorityActive DateInactive DateLicense Expiration Date
ActiveNon ResidentAdministratorNot Applicable8/21/2006 3/31/2026
ActiveNon ResidentAgentHealth8/28/2000 3/31/2026
ActiveNon ResidentAgentVariable Life and Variable Annuities12/8/2006 3/31/2026
ActiveNon ResidentAgentLife8/28/2000 3/31/2026
* If a status Is Pending, Pending Replacement,Or the record displays Affidavit On File, click On them For more details.
Notice: The Department verifies, at the time of application for a Variable Life and Variable Annuity line of authority, that an agent is registered with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the applicant has passed the Series 6 or greater exam. The Department does not verify registration with FINRA after the agent is qualified by the Department to receive the Variable Life and Variable Annuity line of authority. If you have questions about a broker’s FINRA registration status, you should check this status directly with FINRA.

Appointments with the following Insurers
StatusAffiliation NameDOI NumberLine of AuthorityActive DateInactive Date
ActiveAetna Health Inc. (PA)660717Agent - Health9/10/2019 
ActiveAetna Health and Life Insurance Company300523Agent - Health12/12/2019 
ActiveAetna Health of Ohio Inc.1065035Agent - Health8/10/2020 
ActiveAetna Life Insurance Company301140Agent - Health9/10/2019 
ActiveAll Savers Insurance Company301940Agent - Health8/2/2024 
ActiveAll Savers Insurance Company301940Agent - Life8/2/2024 
InactiveAllianz Life Insurance Company of North America301791Agent - Health10/7/20115/20/2019
ActiveAllianz Life Insurance Company of North America301791Agent - Life3/5/2020 
ActiveAllianz Life Insurance Company of North America301791Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities3/5/2020 
InactiveAmerican Continental Insurance Company643130Agent - Life12/12/20198/11/2021
ActiveAmerican Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (AFLAC)301781Agent - Health10/9/2006 
ActiveAmerican Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (AFLAC)301781Agent - Life10/9/2006 
InactiveAmerican Fidelity Assurance Company301004Agent - Health6/8/200112/22/2004
InactiveAmerican Fidelity Assurance Company301004Agent - Life6/8/200112/22/2004
InactiveAmerican General Life Insurance Company301585Agent - Health11/2/200611/9/2012
InactiveAmerican General Life Insurance Company301585Agent - Life11/2/200611/9/2012
InactiveAmerican General Life Insurance Company of Delaware301057Agent - Health2/24/20053/8/2007
InactiveAmerican General Life Insurance Company of Delaware301057Agent - Life2/24/20053/8/2007
ActiveAmerican United Life Insurance Company300498Agent - Health11/2/2021 
ActiveAmerican United Life Insurance Company300498Agent - Life11/2/2021 
ActiveAmeritas Life Insurance Corporation300126Agent - Health5/15/2017 
ActiveAnthem Health Plans of Kentucky, Inc.300999Agent - Health1/20/2005 
InactiveAnthem Insurance Companies, Inc.300941Agent - Health1/20/200510/16/2012
ActiveAnthem Life Insurance Company301209Agent - Health1/2/2005 
ActiveAnthem Life Insurance Company301209Agent - Life1/2/2005 
InactiveBaptist Health Plan, Inc.300157Agent - Health2/4/20083/31/2019
ActiveBerkley Life and Health Insurance Company301421Agent - Health7/11/2022 
InactiveBerkshire Life Insurance Company of America300983Agent - Health12/5/201110/5/2021
InactiveBerkshire Life Insurance Company of America300983Agent - Life12/5/201110/5/2021
ActiveCIGNA Health & Life Insurance Company301783Agent - Health8/14/2023 
ActiveColonial Life and Accident Insurance Company300846Agent - Health9/27/2010 
ActiveColonial Life and Accident Insurance Company300846Agent - Life9/27/2010 
InactiveCompBenefits Dental, Inc.591692Agent - Health7/9/20103/14/2019
InactiveCompBenefits Insurance Company301864Agent - Health8/15/20116/26/2013
InactiveCompBenefits Insurance Company301864Agent - Life8/15/20116/26/2013
ActiveCompanion Life Insurance Company300191Agent - Health5/9/2024 
ActiveCompanion Life Insurance Company300191Agent - Life5/9/2024 
ActiveContinental American Insurance Company301700Agent - Health9/4/2018 
ActiveContinental American Insurance Company301700Agent - Life9/4/2018 
ActiveContinental Life Insurance Company of Brentwood Tennessee301526Agent - Health12/12/2019 
ActiveDental Concern Inc. (The)301641Agent - Health8/15/2011 
ActiveEverest Reinsurance Company301836Agent - Health11/26/2024 
InactiveFirst Colony Life Insurance Company301179Agent - Health7/5/20021/1/2007
InactiveFirst Colony Life Insurance Company301179Agent - Life7/5/20021/1/2007
InactiveGenworth Life and Annuity Insurance Company301276Agent - Health1/1/200712/7/2012
InactiveGenworth Life and Annuity Insurance Company301276Agent - Life1/1/200712/7/2012
ActiveGreat American Insurance Company301586Agent - Health8/25/2023 
ActiveGuardian Life Insurance Company of America301316Agent - Health12/5/2011 
ActiveGuardian Life Insurance Company of America301316Agent - Life12/5/2011 
InactiveHartford Fire Insurance Company300628Agent - Health6/7/20219/10/2024
InactiveHartford Life Group Insurance Company301708Agent - Life7/15/200512/31/2006
ActiveHartford Life and Accident Insurance Company300878Agent - Health7/10/2012 
ActiveHartford Life and Accident Insurance Company300878Agent - Life7/15/2005 
InactiveHumana Health Plan of Ohio Inc.301565Agent - Health11/13/20132/23/2018
ActiveHumana Health Plan, Inc.300142Agent - Health8/28/2000 
ActiveHumana Insurance Company301104Agent - Health7/12/2010 
ActiveHumana Insurance Company301104Agent - Life7/12/2010 
ActiveHumana Insurance Company of Kentucky300826Agent - Health5/31/2007 
ActiveHumana Insurance Company of Kentucky300826Agent - Life5/31/2007 
InactiveHumanaDental Insurance Company301457Agent - Health7/19/20125/13/2013
InactiveHumanaDental Insurance Company301457Agent - Life7/19/20125/13/2013
InactiveKanawha Insurance Company300127Agent - Health7/12/201012/8/2017
InactiveKanawha Insurance Company300127Agent - Life7/12/201012/8/2017
InactiveLife Investors Insurance Company of America301793Agent - Life10/23/20069/17/2008
ActiveLincoln National Life Insurance Company (The)301382Agent - Health10/11/2007 
ActiveLincoln National Life Insurance Company (The)301382Agent - Life10/11/2007 
ActiveLincoln National Life Insurance Company (The)301382Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities10/11/2007 
ActiveMetropolitan Life Insurance Company301948Agent - Health12/12/2007 
ActiveMetropolitan Life Insurance Company301948Agent - Life12/12/2007 
ActiveNational Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania300959Agent - Health6/15/2021 
ActiveNationwide Life Insurance Company300495Agent - Health1/29/2007 
ActiveNationwide Life Insurance Company300495Agent - Life1/29/2007 
ActiveNationwide Life Insurance Company300495Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities1/29/2007 
InactivePacifiCare Life and Health Insurance Company301304Agent - Health6/29/201110/25/2011
ActivePacific Life Insurance Company301848Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities9/1/2010 
ActivePan-American Life Insurance Company301530Agent - Health9/1/2022 
ActivePan-American Life Insurance Company301530Agent - Life9/1/2022 
ActivePrincipal Life Insurance Company300129Agent - Health8/28/2015 
ActivePrincipal Life Insurance Company300129Agent - Life8/28/2015 
ActivePrincipal National Life Insurance Company301926Agent - Life1/31/2017 
ActiveProvident Life and Accident Insurance Company301525Agent - Health1/5/2001 
ActiveProvident Life and Accident Insurance Company301525Agent - Life1/5/2001 
ActivePruco Life Insurance Company300954Agent - Health4/7/2008 
ActivePruco Life Insurance Company300954Agent - Life4/7/2008 
DeniedPrudential Insurance Company of America300784Agent - Health  
DeniedPrudential Insurance Company of America300784Agent - Life  
ActiveReliaStar Life Insurance Company301712Agent - Health10/15/2020 
ActiveReliaStar Life Insurance Company301712Agent - Life10/15/2020 
ActiveSilverScript Insurance Company663526Agent - Health10/19/2019 
ActiveStandard Insurance Company300185Agent - Health7/1/2024 
ActiveStandard Insurance Company300185Agent - Life7/1/2024 
ActiveStandard Insurance Company300185Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities7/1/2024 
ActiveStarNet Insurance Company502746Agent - Health7/11/2022 
ActiveTalcott Resolution Life and Annuity Insurance Company300932Agent - Health7/10/2012 
ActiveTalcott Resolution Life and Annuity Insurance Company300932Agent - Life7/10/2012 
ActiveTalcott Resolution Life and Annuity Insurance Company300932Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities7/10/2012 
InactiveTime Insurance Company300683Agent - Health11/27/200012/14/2010
InactiveTime Insurance Company300683Agent - Life11/27/200012/14/2010
ActiveTransamerica Life Insurance Company300571Agent - Health10/1/2020 
ActiveTransamerica Life Insurance Company300571Agent - Life10/1/2020 
InactiveTransamerica Premier Life Insurance Company300558Agent - Health2/26/201610/1/2020
InactiveTransamerica Premier Life Insurance Company300558Agent - Life2/26/201610/1/2020
ActiveTrustmark Life Insurance Company301286Agent - Health6/21/2021 
ActiveTrustmark Life Insurance Company301286Agent - Life6/21/2021 
ActiveUNUM Life Insurance Company of America300817Agent - Health8/28/2003 
ActiveUNUM Life Insurance Company of America300817Agent - Life8/28/2003 
ActiveUnitedHealthcare Insurance Company300946Agent - Health6/6/2024 
ActiveUnitedHealthcare Insurance Company300946Agent - Life6/6/2024 
InactiveUnitedHealthcare Insurance Company of America301552Agent - Health9/15/201612/20/2018
InactiveUnitedHealthcare Insurance Company of the River Valley1027817Agent - Health8/5/201910/15/2019
ActiveUnitedHealthcare of Kentucky, Ltd.301337Agent - Health6/6/2024 
ActiveUnitedHealthcare of Kentucky, Ltd.301337Agent - Life6/6/2024 
ActiveUnitedHealthcare of Ohio, Inc.300493Agent - Health8/2/2024 
InactiveUnitedHealthcare of Wisconsin, Inc.871491Agent - Health8/5/201910/15/2019
InactiveWellCare Prescription Insurance Inc.654329Agent - Health3/8/201912/29/2021
ActiveWellfleet Insurance Company300542Agent - Health2/8/2022 
Designated Individuals
StatusAffiliation NameDOI NumberLine of AuthorityActive DateInactive Date
InactiveAdamczyk, Charles A 558285Agent - Health12/12/201112/12/2012
InactiveAdamczyk, Charles A 558285Agent - Life12/12/201112/12/2012
DeniedBarbro, Sharon 595811Agent - Health  
DeniedBarbro, Sharon 595811Agent - Life  
DeniedBaum, Luke F 383225Agent - Health  
InactiveBaum, Luke F 383225Agent - Life10/1/20083/27/2014
DeniedBaum, Luke F 383225Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities  
InactiveBlake, Debra P 680216Agent - Health9/10/20087/29/2010
InactiveBlake, Debra P 680216Agent - Life9/10/20087/29/2010
InactiveBobek, Nicholas 680274Agent - Health10/27/200811/1/2011
InactiveBobek, Nicholas 680274Agent - Life10/27/200811/1/2011
ActiveBorden, Douglas C 363204Agent - Health3/9/2021 
ActiveBorden, Douglas C 363204Agent - Life3/9/2021 
InactiveBoynton, John C 617665Agent - Health7/28/201711/30/2019
InactiveBoynton, John C 617665Agent - Life7/28/201711/30/2019
InactiveBrancheau, Susan 332904Agent - Health8/28/20003/8/2010
InactiveBrancheau, Susan 332904Agent - Life8/28/20003/8/2010
ActiveBrown, Terence C 982868Agent - Health2/9/2018 
ActiveBrown, Terence C 982868Agent - Life2/9/2018 
DeniedBusch, Debora Mary 543440Agent - Health  
DeniedBusch, Debora Mary 543440Agent - Life  
ActiveCallahan, Michael G 690354Agent - Health12/5/2013 
ActiveCallahan, Michael G 690354Agent - Life12/5/2013 
DeniedCase, Chace William 1110262Agent - Health  
DeniedCase, Chace William 1110262Agent - Life  
ActiveChaney, Jon Paul 899550Agent - Health3/23/2017 
ActiveChaney, Jon Paul 899550Agent - Life3/23/2017 
InactiveClark, Karen Ann 581214Agent - Health3/27/20148/5/2014
InactiveClark, Karen Ann 581214Agent - Life3/27/20148/5/2014
DeniedCollins, Kerry Calvin 921516Agent - Life  
DeniedCollins, Kerry Calvin 921516Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities  
DeniedConnor, Michelle Mary 763665Agent - Health  
DeniedConnor, Michelle Mary 763665Agent - Life  
DeniedDean, Brian E 1075780Agent - Health  
InactiveDean, Brian E 1075780Agent - Life6/9/202210/22/2024
ActiveDean, Brian E 1075780Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities6/9/2022 
InactiveDenise, Joanne Elizabeth 319588Agent - Health10/12/20128/31/2016
InactiveDenise, Joanne Elizabeth 319588Agent - Life10/12/20128/31/2016
InactiveDevine, Ronald M 596908Agent - Health2/17/20059/30/2009
InactiveDevine, Ronald M 596908Agent - Life2/17/20059/30/2009
ActiveDrake, Angela N 869196Agent - Health9/5/2018 
ActiveDrake, Angela N 869196Agent - Life9/5/2018 
InactiveEarwood, Jennifer 797357Agent - Health9/5/20181/18/2021
InactiveEarwood, Jennifer 797357Agent - Life9/5/20181/18/2021
ActiveFiglestahler, David Andrew 746788Agent - Health2/23/2017 
ActiveFiglestahler, David Andrew 746788Agent - Life2/23/2017 
InactiveFinnerty, Allison Walsh 680372Agent - Health9/10/20088/29/2014
InactiveFinnerty, Allison Walsh 680372Agent - Life9/10/20088/29/2014
DeniedGarner, Robert Henry 785926Agent - Health  
DeniedGarner, Robert Henry 785926Agent - Life  
DeniedGarner, Robert Henry 785926Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities  
InactiveGilmore, John M 555418Agent - Health3/16/20102/2/2015
ActiveGoldstein, Dennis Scott 1010399Agent - Health9/24/2018 
ActiveGoldstein, Dennis Scott 1010399Agent - Life9/24/2018 
InactiveGranfors-Hunt, Liisa 634927Agent - Health 6/2/2015
InactiveGranfors-Hunt, Liisa 634927Agent - Life 6/2/2015
InactiveGray, Jennifer Lee 661113Agent - Health10/28/20111/20/2014
InactiveGray, Jennifer Lee 661113Agent - Life10/28/20111/20/2014
InactiveGreiss, Jane Frances 537482Agent - Health2/24/20037/31/2004
InactiveGreiss, Jane Frances 537482Agent - Life2/24/20037/31/2004
ActiveGuerra, Jenny 1234392Agent - Life12/6/2023 
DeniedHansen, Ryan Anthony 975797Agent - Health  
DeniedHansen, Ryan Anthony 975797Agent - Life  
ActiveHarris, Cole 694368Agent - Health10/11/2012 
ActiveHarris, Cole 694368Agent - Life10/11/2012 
InactiveHart, Randy J 722692Agent - Health3/11/20101/1/2021
InactiveHart, Randy J 722692Agent - Life3/11/20101/1/2021
InactiveHunt, Paul Michael 523406Agent - Health 1/12/2015
InactiveHunt, Paul Michael 523406Agent - Life 1/12/2015
DeniedJohnson, Jamie Sue 638896Agent - Health  
DeniedJohnson, Jamie Sue 638896Agent - Life  
InactiveKerr Lindsey, Roxann Marie 643412Agent - Health1/19/20073/31/2022
InactiveKerr Lindsey, Roxann Marie 643412Agent - Life1/19/20073/31/2022
InactiveKerr Lindsey, Roxann Marie 643412Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities12/8/20063/31/2022
DeniedKim, Don Ok 1053614Agent - Health  
DeniedKim, Don Ok 1053614Agent - Life  
InactiveLentz, Barbara Lynn 635605Administrator - Not Applicable8/21/200610/16/2008
ActiveLingenfelter, Karen Ann 675842Agent - Health9/10/2008 
ActiveLingenfelter, Karen Ann 675842Agent - Life9/10/2008 
DeniedLouis-Barrow, John 1053632Agent - Health  
ActiveLouis-Barrow, John 1053632Agent - Life12/26/2019 
InactiveMajor, Stephen Wayne 662651Administrator - Not Applicable10/28/200810/5/2009
InactiveMathias, Mark 547373Agent - Health7/7/20153/18/2016
InactiveMathias, Mark 547373Agent - Life7/7/20153/18/2016
InactiveMatthews, Mark W 626419Agent - Health8/14/20189/6/2019
ActiveMccarney, Suzanne M 982043Agent - Health12/6/2023 
InactiveMccarney, Suzanne M 982043Agent - Life12/6/20234/1/2024
InactiveMcgrath, Matthew J 703322Agent - Health3/28/201410/7/2014
InactiveMcgrath, Matthew J 703322Agent - Life3/28/201410/7/2014
ActiveMellard, Nancy M 598279Administrator - Not Applicable2/17/2021 
ActiveMellard, Nancy M 598279Agent - Health1/10/2006 
ActiveMellard, Nancy M 598279Agent - Life1/10/2006 
InactiveModel, Neil J 329626Agent - Health3/10/201511/2/2016
InactiveModel, Neil J 329626Agent - Life3/10/20156/19/2023
InactiveMorrison, Ronald D 768726Agent - Health3/10/201412/1/2016
InactiveMorrison, Ronald D 768726Agent - Life3/10/201412/1/2016
ActiveMyers, Kelly Lee 573134Agent - Health8/17/2022 
ActiveMyers, Kelly Lee 573134Agent - Life8/17/2022 
InactiveNavarro, Randolph J 654174Agent - Health12/1/201710/1/2018
InactiveNavarro, Randolph J 654174Agent - Life12/1/201710/1/2018
InactiveNoftsinger, Philip Preston 711500Administrator - Not Applicable10/15/200911/30/2020
InactiveOchalek, Gregory Joseph 355767Agent - Health4/4/201611/19/2016
InactiveOchalek, Gregory Joseph 355767Agent - Life4/4/201611/28/2018
InactiveOchalek, Gregory Joseph 355767Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities4/4/201611/28/2018
InactiveOconnor, James T 983308Agent - Health2/5/20189/30/2021
InactiveOconnor, James T 983308Agent - Life2/5/20189/30/2021
ActivePace, Warren M 596599Agent - Health1/27/2005 
ActivePace, Warren M 596599Agent - Life1/27/2005 
DeniedPaul, Jeffrey A 607391Agent - Life  
InactivePendergrass, Geraldine 860133Agent - Health4/13/201510/8/2015
InactivePrice, Daniel Joseph 696340Agent - Health1/7/201912/23/2019
InactivePrice, Daniel Joseph 696340Agent - Life1/7/201912/23/2019
InactiveRankin, Jared T 910611Agent - Health3/31/20169/7/2017
InactiveRankin, Jared T 910611Agent - Life3/31/20169/7/2017
InactiveRees, Steven Mittong 557672Agent - Health11/1/20051/13/2015
InactiveRees, Steven Mittong 557672Agent - Life 5/18/2015
InactiveReeves, Jason Alan 653102Agent - Health9/21/20094/2/2010
InactiveReeves, Jason Alan 653102Agent - Life9/21/20094/2/2010
DeniedReeves, Jason Alan 653102Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities  
InactiveRhymes, Roger Riley 686732Agent - Health12/6/202312/12/2024
DeniedRhymes, Roger Riley 686732Agent - Life  
ActiveRideout, Kenneth 650012Agent - Health10/11/2012 
InactiveRideout, Kenneth 650012Agent - Life10/11/201211/2/2016
InactiveRideout, Kenneth 650012Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities10/11/201210/17/2012
InactiveRizor, Russell J 672114Agent - Health2/8/20088/26/2008
DeniedRizor, Russell J 672114Agent - Life  
DeniedRizor, Russell J 672114Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities  
ActiveSchremp, Frederick Richard 537034Agent - Health8/5/2011 
ActiveSchremp, Frederick Richard 537034Agent - Life8/5/2011 
InactiveSchremp, Marion B 505269Agent - Health8/5/20116/15/2018
InactiveSchremp, Marion B 505269Agent - Life8/5/20116/15/2018
InactiveSchwartz, Julie Anne 541562Agent - Health2/24/20032/12/2007
InactiveSchwartz, Julie Anne 541562Agent - Life2/24/20032/12/2007
DeniedStoltz, Mark 539919Agent - Health  
DeniedStoltz, Mark 539919Agent - Life  
InactiveSullivan, Kenneth A 813686Agent - Health10/24/20182/11/2019
InactiveSullivan, Kenneth A 813686Agent - Life10/24/20182/11/2019
DeniedSundermeier, Kelly Anne 639086Agent - Health  
DeniedSundermeier, Kelly Anne 639086Agent - Life  
ActiveTremblay, Donna Marie 680226Agent - Health9/10/2008 
ActiveTremblay, Donna Marie 680226Agent - Life9/10/2008 
ActiveVanburen, Andrew C 675859Agent - Health9/10/2008 
ActiveVanburen, Andrew C 675859Agent - Life9/10/2008 
DeniedVanburen, Andrew C 675859Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities  
InactiveWalter, Frank Bruce 675843Agent - Health9/10/20081/2/2015
InactiveWalter, Frank Bruce 675843Agent - Life9/10/20081/2/2015
InactiveWessel, Richard M 593842Agent - Health6/2/200910/12/2010
InactiveWessel, Richard M 593842Agent - Life6/2/200910/12/2010
InactiveWhite, Christopher J 780848Agent - Health3/22/20183/29/2019
InactiveWhite, Christopher J 780848Agent - Life3/22/20183/29/2019
InactiveWiddis, Robin Roma 523956Agent - Health1/27/200511/30/2005
InactiveWiddis, Robin Roma 523956Agent - Life1/27/200511/30/2005
DeniedWillis, Janet L 588644Agent - Health  
DeniedWillis, Janet L 588644Agent - Life  
InactiveWinchester, James Patrick 549013Agent - Health1/10/20061/26/2017
InactiveWinchester, James Patrick 549013Agent - Life1/10/20061/26/2017

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