NameInsurance Placement Services Inc.DOIID519096NAIC NPN3121011
License - Line of Authority Information
StatusResidencyClassLine of AuthorityActive DateInactive DateLicense Expiration Date
ActiveNon ResidentAgentHealth2/14/2025 3/31/2026
ActiveNon ResidentAgentLife2/14/2025 3/31/2026
InactiveNon ResidentAgentProperty6/6/20029/6/2006 
InactiveNon ResidentAgentCasualty6/6/20029/6/2006 
InactiveNon ResidentAgentVariable Life and Variable Annuities11/2/200112/22/2020 
* If a status Is Pending, Pending Replacement,Or the record displays Affidavit On File, click On them For more details.
Notice: The Department verifies, at the time of application for a Variable Life and Variable Annuity line of authority, that an agent is registered with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the applicant has passed the Series 6 or greater exam. The Department does not verify registration with FINRA after the agent is qualified by the Department to receive the Variable Life and Variable Annuity line of authority. If you have questions about a broker’s FINRA registration status, you should check this status directly with FINRA.

Appointments with the following Insurers
StatusAffiliation NameDOI NumberLine of AuthorityActive DateInactive Date
ActiveArcadian Health Plan, Inc.728196Agent - Health2/14/2025 
InactiveCompBenefits Dental, Inc.591692Agent - Health10/7/20131/4/2017
InactiveDental Concern Inc. (The)301641Agent - Health10/7/20131/4/2017
ActiveHumana Benefit Plan of Illinois, Inc.781543Agent - Health2/14/2025 
ActiveHumana Health Plan of Ohio Inc.301565Agent - Health2/14/2025 
ActiveHumana Health Plan, Inc.300142Agent - Health2/14/2025 
ActiveHumana Insurance Company301104Agent - Health2/14/2025 
ActiveHumana Insurance Company301104Agent - Life2/14/2025 
ActiveHumana Insurance Company of Kentucky300826Agent - Health2/14/2025 
ActiveHumana Insurance Company of Kentucky300826Agent - Life2/14/2025 
ActiveHumana Medical Plan, Inc.801568Agent - Health2/14/2025 
ActiveHumana Wisconsin Health Organization Insurance Corporation830687Agent - Health2/14/2025 
InactiveHumanaDental Insurance Company301457Agent - Health7/2/20137/31/2014
InactiveHumanaDental Insurance Company301457Agent - Life7/2/20137/31/2014
ActiveJackson National Life Insurance Company300486Agent - Life2/14/2025 
InactiveJackson National Life Insurance Company300486Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities5/17/201912/22/2020
InactiveKanawha Insurance Company300127Agent - Health1/23/201310/22/2015
InactiveKanawha Insurance Company300127Agent - Life1/23/201310/22/2015
InactiveNassau Life Insurance Company301406Agent - Health4/5/20021/31/2013
InactiveNassau Life Insurance Company301406Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities11/2/20017/22/2011
InactiveNassau Life and Annuity Company513671Agent - Health4/5/200210/13/2006
InactiveNassau Life and Annuity Company513671Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities4/5/200210/13/2006
InactivePHL Variable Insurance Company300525Agent - Health4/5/20022/1/2013
InactivePHL Variable Insurance Company300525Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities4/5/20022/1/2013
InactiveState Farm Fire and Casualty Company301809Agent - Casualty6/6/20023/1/2006
InactiveState Farm Fire and Casualty Company301809Agent - Property6/6/20023/1/2006
InactiveState Farm General Insurance Company301122Agent - Property5/18/20053/1/2006
InactiveState Farm Life Insurance Company301810Agent - Life5/31/20023/1/2006
InactiveState Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company301732Agent - Health12/15/20003/1/2006
InactiveTime Insurance Company300683Agent - Health7/12/20093/15/2021
InactiveTime Insurance Company300683Agent - Life5/31/20023/15/2021
Designated Individuals
StatusAffiliation NameDOI NumberLine of AuthorityActive DateInactive Date
InactiveAbernathy, John McCauley 350818Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveAnderson, William Arthur 393592Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveApel, Francis E 350675Agent - Health4/12/20019/9/2003
InactiveArends, Brian Lee 504911Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveAshley, Lawrence Francis 351958Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveAzar, Phillip Kent 307439Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBailey, Terrence Douglas 357617Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBaity, Alphonso 313556Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBaker, Roger Lee 358627Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBaker, Thomas Matthew 374857Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBarker, Stephen Winston 371765Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBeck, Jerry Linwood 350239Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBell, Joseph R 392425Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBell, Thomas 392869Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBlack, Robert David 324060Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBlair, Robert Lee 318432Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBlair, Thomas Denman 380022Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBoggs, William Mitchell 320655Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBoone, James Edward 374172Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBoswell, Robert Paul 393908Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBradford, Dennis Vass 315097Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBriggs, Jeffrey David 328634Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBrown, Robert Wendell 306240Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBrown, Robin Totty 350981Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBrownell, Michael J 347494Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveBryant, Michael Vaughn 384262Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveButler, Robert Douglas 325062Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveCammack, Marc Dow 335996Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveCheek, Perry Arnold 384190Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveClark, James E 391680Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveCleary, Ginger A 305371Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveClement, David Noel 340685Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveCooper, Duanne Hawkins 345545Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveCopas, Brian K 504628Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveCopeland, Chester Morris 354105Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveCouch, Randolph Day 331913Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveCrane, Todd M 1066711Agent - Health4/22/20222/13/2025
InactiveCrane, Todd M 1066711Agent - Life4/22/20222/13/2025
InactiveCraven, David Lee 336134Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveCross, Roger Dale 380260Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveCrump, Fred 390580Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveCunningham, Ronnie Lee 364776Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveCurtis, David 339572Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveDaugherty, Gordon Joseph 350729Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveDibble, Richard Scott 303790Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveDillard, Patricia Ann 355158Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveDodge, George Thomas 345342Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveDossett, James D 388984Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveDotson, Robert L 310528Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveDoyle, James Samuel 372472Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveDruin, Peggy Kay 328949Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveDrury, John Michael 386389Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveDudley, Marsha Gayle 313997Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveDuvall, Lorie W 377516Agent - Health4/12/20015/15/2003
InactiveEichberger, John Douglas 366143Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveFaughn, Larry Ovell 311344Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveFranck, David William 393047Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveGammons, Curt Denton 515699Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveGardner, William Joseph 362128Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveGibson, Terry Lee 344123Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveGiesler, Thomas W 390221Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveGilbert, Glenn Robert 381102Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveGoff, Kathleen C 353327Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveGoh, Robert Hock-Soon 359528Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveGoodman, David B 336512Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveGottbrath, Joseph Aloysius 390365Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveGraham, John B 332144Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveGrande, Peter Anthony 535982Agent - Casualty6/6/200212/31/2004
InactiveGrande, Peter Anthony 535982Agent - Health2/25/200412/31/2004
InactiveGrande, Peter Anthony 535982Agent - Life5/31/200212/31/2004
InactiveGrande, Peter Anthony 535982Agent - Property6/6/200212/31/2004
InactiveGrande, Peter Anthony 535982Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities11/2/200112/31/2004
InactiveGrant, Charlton Carey 353151Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveGray, Janet E 387165Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveGray, Jonathan E 362110Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveGreco, George Edward 377223Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveGreene, Richard Alan 387596Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveGreenwell, Donald Richard 370394Agent - Health4/12/20012/14/2003
InactiveGupton, Lawrence Redman 336564Agent - Health4/12/20016/17/2002
InactiveHagan, Alec Francis 361336Agent - Health4/12/20019/21/2003
InactiveHagan, James L 382957Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveHagan, William Clarence 331661Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveHageman, James Leroy 353639Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveHamilton, Frances Virginia 311394Agent - Health4/12/200110/9/2002
InactiveHancock, Walter D 391986Agent - Health4/12/20012/17/2003
InactiveHanner, Freddie Lee 355649Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveHarris, Brenda Louise 362810Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveHeighter, Walter R 381176Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveHembree, Wade Rankin 354246Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveHenderson, Charles G 506872Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveHenry, Donald Edward 348570Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveHenry, Robert Kent 512241Agent - Health4/12/20018/21/2001
InactiveHensley, Debra Ann 386373Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveHester, Anthony Scott 366094Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveHigbee, Bruce Scott 324544Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveHillman, Donald Gray 391293Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveHopewell, David Perry 324281Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveHopper, Gina Toombs 382410Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveHumphrey, Roy Leland 394045Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveInman, James Todd 328477Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveJackson, James Harmon 380249Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveJackson, Teresa Sears 376842Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveJones, Doris Ann 357315Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveJones, Harold Eugene 345341Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveJordan, Rebecca H 334747Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveKanaly, Thomas Frank 353247Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveKelly, Daniel Ferguson 344427Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveKeltner, Ken Frank 333901Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveKenney, Michael Gerard 360761Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveKleier, Timothy Jerome 365112Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveKoger, William Glenn 390409Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveKrouse, David Larry 310597Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveLewis, Mark S 500515Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveLockenvitz, Brian T 629034Agent - Health2/23/20076/8/2018
InactiveLockenvitz, Brian T 629034Agent - Life2/23/20076/8/2018
InactiveLockenvitz, Brian T 629034Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities2/23/200712/22/2020
InactiveLoftis, Craig K 361037Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveLovejoy, David Alan 332825Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveLowe, Gary Ellsworth 311472Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveLoyall, Rebecca Jeffries 303650Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMallory, Jimmy Dale 317256Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMardis, John Allen 389885Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMardis, Robert A 603324Agent - Casualty4/4/20052/9/2006
InactiveMardis, Robert A 603324Agent - Health4/4/20051/31/2022
InactiveMardis, Robert A 603324Agent - Life4/4/20051/31/2022
InactiveMardis, Robert A 603324Agent - Property4/4/20052/9/2006
InactiveMardis, Robert A 603324Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities4/4/20051/4/2013
ActiveMartin, Daniel M 1055298Agent - Health2/14/2025 
ActiveMartin, Daniel M 1055298Agent - Life2/14/2025 
InactiveMartin, Michael Robert 328856Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMartinez, Eloy 519090Agent - Casualty12/15/20002/25/2002
InactiveMartinez, Eloy 519090Agent - Health12/15/20002/25/2002
InactiveMartinez, Eloy 519090Agent - Life12/15/20002/25/2002
InactiveMartinez, Eloy 519090Agent - Property12/15/20002/25/2002
InactiveMassengale, Joe V 369609Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMatthews, James Allen 393843Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMayhugh, Willard Robert 391964Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMcClain, Robert L 392468Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMcClintock, Curtis Lee 332525Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMcCray, Terryl S 325527Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMcDaniel, Jonathan R 342243Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMcPeake, James A 347715Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMcdonald, Philip Anderson 344449Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMcpherson, Mayrene M 308412Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMeenach, Robert Dale 364078Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMelvin, Paul Hamon 310561Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMetzger, David Frederick 374906Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMiller, Matthew Joseph 336087Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMiller, Robert William 338782Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMills, Don 322074Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMills, Richard Gerald 363061Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMoss, Donald Walker 314594Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveMyers, Lowell C 366917Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveNeal, Sue Ann 348101Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveNewman, Robert Lawrence 390473Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveNewton, Richard Matthew 322850Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveNix, Dan Lassiter 303985Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveNowlin, Jerry Don 392345Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveNugent, Milton Benjamin 340975Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveOller, Jerry 373777Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveOsborne, Shelby G 354326Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactivePayne, Donna Leigh 387528Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactivePelphrey, Paul Leslie 334731Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactivePerry, Richard Stewart 336444Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactivePhelps, Judy Thomas 322983Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactivePitman, John Brooks 391238Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactivePitman, Robert Wood 318904Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactivePostins, Clarence Eugene 389995Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactivePowers, Alan Dean 371200Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactivePugh, Robert Barton 354667Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveRamsey, Kenneth Lee 329489Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveRea, Grant C 377455Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveRea, William Edward 317197Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveReed, Mark Kenneth 393503Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveReynolds, Jennifer Carlton 341613Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveRhoades, Thomas Jed 374434Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveRhoades, Tony G 389383Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveRobinson, Clyde Curtis 338603Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveRollins, Phillip Rhea 308765Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveSalyer, Ramona Flaugher 321946Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveSams, Lisa H 307737Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveSargent, Gary Thomas 329366Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveSavko, Robert R 344728Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveSchadler, Edward Charles 359470Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveScheynost, Rudy Ferguson 379283Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveSchoene, John Henry 329456Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveShaw, Joel E 373209Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveShelton, Harry Michael 333940Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveShelton, Howard Lafayette 326080Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveShepherd, Charles Ray 319172Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveShepherd, Jack Lee 332488Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveShultz, Steven Bruce 372518Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveSiegrist-Garten, Sheila 346746Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveSikora, Donald Frank 567844Agent - Casualty4/25/20033/1/2006
InactiveSikora, Donald Frank 567844Agent - Health4/25/20034/21/2006
InactiveSikora, Donald Frank 567844Agent - Life4/25/20034/21/2006
InactiveSikora, Donald Frank 567844Agent - Property4/25/20033/1/2006
InactiveSikora, Donald Frank 567844Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities4/25/20034/21/2006
InactiveSimmons, Stan K 317000Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveSizemore, Marian Elizabeth 357155Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveSkees, James Buckman 376633Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveSlinker, Dennis Randall 353736Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveSmith, Jill Wade 357425Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveSmith, Mark Steeley 348927Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveSnowden, Larry E 308184Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveSparks, Michael Don 372599Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveSparks, Terri Rae 315445Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveStevens, Naomi R 362238Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveStrauss, Sandra Jean Hamilton 374409Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveStumbo, Sallye Hill 310015Agent - Health4/12/20011/16/2002
InactiveSwanner, Earl Dean 336076Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveTaylor, Claude Lewis 324219Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveTaylor, Dwayne Michael 321632Agent - Health4/12/20018/1/2002
InactiveTaylor, Rogers E 310161Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveTeague, Robert Lafayette 393491Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveTerry, Glenn Franklin 310909Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveTharpe, David Allen 331643Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveThompson, Carolyn Thomas 377454Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveThompson, Thomas Alden 336549Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveTodd, Jason Edward 349835Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveTucker, Russell Forrest 337796Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveTweddell, Ralph Steven 347567Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveVenable, Charles Michael 509240Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveViniard, Joe Dale 378049Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveVogel, Dennis Paul 335072Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveVoglund, David Vernon 379604Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWade, James Michael 303529Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWages, Robert Payne 313292Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWaldon-Denton, Susan Annette 381611Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWalker, Michael Eugene 303185Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWalters, Kenneth Earl 320207Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWarren, Brandon Earl 383733Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWermuth, Howard Gregory 313623Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWhaley, Anthony Douglas 305733Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWhite, Bobby Richard 371594Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWhite, Richard C 356485Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWickline, David Edward 335895Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWigginton, David Gilliam 370478Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWilliams, Jack Peal 390829Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWilliams, John Robert 374280Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWilliams, Robert Adams 330792Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWilson, Paul Ray 368165Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWimsatt, Joseph Lonnie 357801Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWoodrum, Stephen Arthur 501679Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWoodward, Bobby Joe 381038Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveWoolums, Richard Kirtley 345387Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveYelton, Robert Jerald 337495Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveYoung, William Franklin 362429Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004
InactiveZieba, John L 346434Agent - Health4/12/20012/25/2004

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