NameWoodmen Insurance Agency, Inc.DOIID579244NAIC NPN7867253
License - Line of Authority Information
StatusResidencyClassLine of AuthorityActive DateInactive DateLicense Expiration Date
ActiveNon ResidentAgentVariable Life and Variable Annuities7/19/2004 3/31/2026
ActiveNon ResidentAgentLife6/25/2004 3/31/2026
ActiveNon ResidentAgentHealth6/25/2004 3/31/2026
DeniedNon ResidentAgentProperty   
DeniedNon ResidentAgentCasualty   
* If a status Is Pending, Pending Replacement,Or the record displays Affidavit On File, click On them For more details.
Notice: The Department verifies, at the time of application for a Variable Life and Variable Annuity line of authority, that an agent is registered with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the applicant has passed the Series 6 or greater exam. The Department does not verify registration with FINRA after the agent is qualified by the Department to receive the Variable Life and Variable Annuity line of authority. If you have questions about a broker’s FINRA registration status, you should check this status directly with FINRA.

Appointments with the following Insurers
StatusAffiliation NameDOI NumberLine of AuthorityActive DateInactive Date
ActiveAccendo Insurance Company300312Agent - Life6/10/2020 
ActiveAetna Health Inc. (PA)660717Agent - Health9/23/2019 
ActiveAetna Health and Life Insurance Company300523Agent - Health10/12/2015 
ActiveAetna Health of Ohio Inc.1065035Agent - Health7/25/2020 
ActiveAetna Life Insurance Company301140Agent - Health9/23/2019 
ActiveAetna Life Insurance Company301140Agent - Life9/23/2019 
ActiveAll Savers Insurance Company301940Agent - Health4/26/2024 
ActiveAll Savers Insurance Company301940Agent - Life4/26/2024 
InactiveAllianz Life Insurance Company of North America301791Agent - Health7/16/200911/14/2017
InactiveAllianz Life Insurance Company of North America301791Agent - Life7/16/200911/14/2017
InactiveAllianz Life Insurance Company of North America301791Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities2/6/201211/14/2017
InactiveAmerican Continental Insurance Company643130Agent - Health6/2/201411/12/2014
InactiveAmerican Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (AFLAC)301781Agent - Health1/14/20094/6/2022
InactiveAmerican Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (AFLAC)301781Agent - Life1/14/20094/6/2022
InactiveAmerican National Insurance Company301861Agent - Health4/11/20166/14/2021
ActiveAmerican National Insurance Company301861Agent - Life4/11/2016 
InactiveAmerican Republic Corp Insurance Company300615Agent - Health7/30/20087/17/2013
InactiveAmerican Republic Corp Insurance Company300615Agent - Life7/30/20087/17/2013
InactiveAmerican Republic Insurance Company300861Agent - Health3/18/20057/17/2013
InactiveAmerican Republic Insurance Company300861Agent - Life3/18/20057/17/2013
InactiveAmerico Financial Life and Annuity Insurance Company300869Agent - Health3/23/201710/20/2017
InactiveAmerico Financial Life and Annuity Insurance Company300869Agent - Life7/18/20089/15/2010
ActiveAmeritas Life Insurance Corporation300126Agent - Health6/5/2013 
ActiveAmeritas Life Insurance Corporation300126Agent - Life6/5/2013 
ActiveAssurity Life Insurance Company301099Agent - Health8/16/2005 
ActiveAssurity Life Insurance Company301099Agent - Life8/16/2005 
ActiveBanner Life Insurance Company301696Agent - Life12/5/2007 
ActiveBrighthouse Life Insurance Company301829Agent - Health11/14/2014 
ActiveBrighthouse Life Insurance Company301829Agent - Life12/7/2007 
ActiveBrighthouse Life Insurance Company301829Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities11/14/2014 
InactiveCIGNA Health & Life Insurance Company301783Agent - Health10/25/201812/27/2022
InactiveColumbian Life Insurance Company300810Agent - Life10/7/20145/7/2019
ActiveContinental Life Insurance Company of Brentwood Tennessee301526Agent - Health11/30/2015 
ActiveContinental Life Insurance Company of Brentwood Tennessee301526Agent - Life4/5/2024 
ActiveCoventry Health and Life Insurance Company301771Agent - Health6/1/2009 
InactiveEquitable Financial Life Insurance Company300808Agent - Life10/13/200812/21/2018
InactiveEquitable Financial Life Insurance Company300808Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities10/13/200812/28/2020
InactiveEverest Reinsurance Company301836Agent - Health6/28/20187/9/2021
InactiveEverly Life Insurance Company561641Agent - Life5/25/20116/8/2016
ActiveFirst Health Life & Health Insurance Company301735Agent - Health6/1/2009 
ActiveForethought Life Insurance Company301407Agent - Health3/15/2013 
ActiveForethought Life Insurance Company301407Agent - Life3/15/2013 
ActiveForethought Life Insurance Company301407Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities3/15/2013 
InactiveGenworth Life Insurance Company300623Agent - Health1/7/201412/3/2019
InactiveGenworth Life Insurance Company300623Agent - Life1/7/201412/3/2019
InactiveGenworth Life and Annuity Insurance Company301276Agent - Health11/13/200712/14/2016
InactiveGenworth Life and Annuity Insurance Company301276Agent - Life11/13/200712/14/2016
ActiveGerber Life Insurance Company300529Agent - Health10/21/2014 
ActiveGerber Life Insurance Company300529Agent - Life10/21/2014 
InactiveGolden Rule Insurance Company301943Agent - Health11/14/200612/14/2015
InactiveGolden Rule Insurance Company301943Agent - Life11/14/200612/14/2015
ActiveGuardian Insurance & Annuity Company Inc. (The)301920Agent - Life4/9/2010 
ActiveGuardian Insurance & Annuity Company Inc. (The)301920Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities4/9/2010 
ActiveJackson National Life Insurance Company300486Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities11/4/2010 
InactiveJohn Alden Life Insurance Company300573Agent - Health12/15/200412/15/2011
InactiveJohn Alden Life Insurance Company300573Agent - Life12/15/200412/15/2011
InactiveJohn Hancock Life Insurance Company300821Agent - Health3/15/200712/30/2009
InactiveJohn Hancock Life Insurance Company300821Agent - Life3/15/200712/30/2009
ActiveJohn Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.)300132Agent - Health1/6/2017 
ActiveJohn Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.)300132Agent - Life1/6/2017 
ActiveJohn Hancock Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.)300132Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities1/6/2017 
ActiveLincoln National Life Insurance Company (The)301382Agent - Health8/3/2010 
ActiveLincoln National Life Insurance Company (The)301382Agent - Life8/3/2010 
ActiveLincoln National Life Insurance Company (The)301382Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities8/3/2010 
InactiveMassMutual Ascend Life Insurance Company300320Agent - Life2/8/20103/27/2012
InactiveMetLife Investors Insurance Company301872Agent - Health12/8/201011/14/2014
InactiveMetLife Investors Insurance Company301872Agent - Life12/8/201011/14/2014
InactiveMetLife Investors Insurance Company301872Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities12/8/201011/14/2014
InactiveMetLife Investors USA Insurance Company300845Agent - Health12/8/201011/14/2014
InactiveMetLife Investors USA Insurance Company300845Agent - Life12/8/201011/14/2014
InactiveMetLife Investors USA Insurance Company300845Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities12/8/201011/14/2014
InactiveMetLife Life and Annuity Company of Connecticut301593Agent - Life8/23/200512/7/2007
ActiveMetropolitan Life Insurance Company301948Agent - Health10/24/2011 
ActiveMetropolitan Life Insurance Company301948Agent - Life10/24/2011 
ActiveMetropolitan Life Insurance Company301948Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities10/24/2011 
ActiveMidland National Life Insurance Company300923Agent - Life2/26/2022 
ActiveMidland National Life Insurance Company300923Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities2/26/2022 
InactiveMutual of Omaha Insurance Company301012Agent - Health6/9/20051/26/2014
ActiveNational Health Insurance Company300554Agent - Health10/17/2019 
ActiveNational Health Insurance Company300554Agent - Life10/17/2019 
InactiveNorth American Company for Life and Health Insurance300291Agent - Health6/30/20133/6/2020
InactiveNorth American Company for Life and Health Insurance300291Agent - Life6/30/20133/6/2020
InactiveOmaha Insurance Company751908Agent - Health4/19/20121/26/2014
ActivePacific Life Insurance Company301848Agent - Health4/7/2014 
ActivePacific Life Insurance Company301848Agent - Life8/3/2007 
ActivePacific Life Insurance Company301848Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities8/3/2007 
ActivePrincipal Life Insurance Company300129Agent - Health4/17/2020 
ActivePrincipal Life Insurance Company300129Agent - Life4/17/2020 
ActivePrincipal National Life Insurance Company301926Agent - Life3/14/2011 
ActiveProtective Life Insurance Company300638Agent - Health10/16/2006 
ActiveProtective Life Insurance Company300638Agent - Life10/16/2006 
ActiveProtective Life Insurance Company300638Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities10/16/2006 
ActivePruco Life Insurance Company300954Agent - Health3/2/2009 
ActivePruco Life Insurance Company300954Agent - Life3/2/2009 
InactivePrudential Insurance Company of America300784Agent - Health8/4/200912/23/2014
InactivePrudential Insurance Company of America300784Agent - Life8/4/200912/23/2014
InactiveReliaStar Life Insurance Company301712Agent - Health5/12/20093/5/2016
InactiveReliaStar Life Insurance Company301712Agent - Life5/12/20093/5/2016
InactiveReliaStar Life Insurance Company301712Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities5/12/20093/5/2016
InactiveSecurity Life Insurance Company of America300936Agent - Health9/27/201212/31/2016
InactiveSecurity Life Insurance Company of America300936Agent - Life4/29/201312/31/2016
ActiveSilverScript Insurance Company663526Agent - Health9/23/2019 
ActiveState Life Insurance Company301497Agent - Health6/30/2016 
ActiveState Life Insurance Company301497Agent - Life6/30/2016 
ActiveSymetra Life Insurance Company301691Agent - Health2/9/2016 
ActiveSymetra Life Insurance Company301691Agent - Life2/9/2016 
ActiveSymetra Life Insurance Company301691Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities2/9/2016 
ActiveTalcott Resolution Life Insurance Company301759Agent - Health9/4/2008 
ActiveTalcott Resolution Life Insurance Company301759Agent - Life9/4/2008 
ActiveTalcott Resolution Life Insurance Company301759Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities9/4/2008 
ActiveTalcott Resolution Life and Annuity Insurance Company300932Agent - Health9/4/2008 
ActiveTalcott Resolution Life and Annuity Insurance Company300932Agent - Life9/4/2008 
ActiveTalcott Resolution Life and Annuity Insurance Company300932Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities9/4/2008 
InactiveThe Savings Bank Mutual Life Insurance Company of Massachusetts690290Agent - Life5/15/201211/29/2018
InactiveTime Insurance Company300683Agent - Health10/24/201111/15/2019
InactiveTime Insurance Company300683Agent - Life10/24/201111/15/2019
ActiveTransamerica Life Insurance Company300571Agent - Health3/24/2014 
ActiveTransamerica Life Insurance Company300571Agent - Life3/24/2014 
InactiveU.S. Financial Life Insurance Company301812Agent - Life11/11/20049/21/2007
ActiveUnited American Insurance Company300910Agent - Health6/25/2015 
ActiveUnited American Insurance Company300910Agent - Life6/25/2015 
InactiveUnited World Life Insurance Company300532Agent - Health6/9/200512/15/2010
InactiveUnited of Omaha Life Insurance Company300156Agent - Health11/19/20071/26/2014
InactiveUnited of Omaha Life Insurance Company300156Agent - Life11/19/20071/26/2014
InactiveUnitedHealthcare Insurance Company300946Agent - Health8/9/202112/17/2024
InactiveUnitedHealthcare Insurance Company300946Agent - Life8/9/202112/17/2024
InactiveUnitedHealthcare Insurance Company of America301552Agent - Health9/11/20162/20/2017
InactiveUnitedHealthcare of Kentucky, Ltd.301337Agent - Health8/9/202112/17/2024
InactiveUnitedHealthcare of Ohio, Inc.300493Agent - Health8/9/202112/17/2024
InactiveUnitedHealthcare of Wisconsin, Inc.871491Agent - Health9/10/20152/20/2017
InactiveWorld Insurance Company300396Agent - Health2/25/20102/26/2013
InactiveWorld Insurance Company300396Agent - Life2/25/20102/26/2013
Designated Individuals
StatusAffiliation NameDOI NumberLine of AuthorityActive DateInactive Date
InactiveAdams, Paul Ray 700066Agent - Health4/27/20095/17/2022
InactiveAdams, Paul Ray 700066Agent - Life4/27/20095/17/2022
InactiveAdkins, Jimmy Dale 719013Agent - Life2/19/20105/20/2013
InactiveAlderdice, Ronald Wayne 368189Agent - Health9/21/20099/1/2010
InactiveAlderdice, Ronald Wayne 368189Agent - Life9/21/20099/1/2010
InactiveAllen, Matthew Joel 831414Agent - Health3/4/20143/1/2024
InactiveAllen, Matthew Joel 831414Agent - Life3/4/20147/28/2015
InactiveAllender, Dewey Ray 354779Agent - Health8/9/200412/31/2007
InactiveAllender, Dewey Ray 354779Agent - Life8/9/200412/31/2007
InactiveAllender, Dewey Ray 354779Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities8/9/200412/31/2007
InactiveAnderson, Debbie Kay 382493Agent - Health8/9/20042/9/2009
InactiveAnderson, Debbie Kay 382493Agent - Life8/9/20042/9/2009
InactiveAnderson, Natalie L 587239Agent - Health12/28/20044/7/2005
InactiveAnderson, Natalie L 587239Agent - Life12/28/20044/7/2005
InactiveAnderson, Sheila Robin 553720Agent - Health7/19/20042/14/2005
InactiveAnderson, Sheila Robin 553720Agent - Life7/19/20042/14/2005
InactiveArnett, Kelly R 696633Agent - Life9/21/20094/1/2014
InactiveAshley, Hamilton Courtney 720982Agent - Health5/4/20102/6/2012
InactiveAshley, Hamilton Courtney 720982Agent - Life5/4/20102/6/2012
ActiveBarone, Marcus A 664003Agent - Health6/2/2008 
ActiveBarone, Marcus A 664003Agent - Life6/2/2008 
InactiveBaskin, Thameka Lacape 703788Agent - Health8/21/20099/17/2012
InactiveBaskin, Thameka Lacape 703788Agent - Life8/21/20099/17/2012
InactiveBenningfield, David Troy 694904Agent - Health12/9/20094/2/2019
InactiveBenningfield, David Troy 694904Agent - Life12/9/20093/29/2019
InactiveBillingsley, Kenton Tyler 680172Agent - Health9/2/20081/26/2009
InactiveBillingsley, Kenton Tyler 680172Agent - Life9/2/20081/26/2009
ActiveBlair, Sandra Jill 713342Agent - Health4/18/2011 
ActiveBlair, Sandra Jill 713342Agent - Life4/18/2011 
InactiveBlair, Shirley Ann 549475Agent - Health1/25/20108/17/2023
InactiveBlair, Shirley Ann 549475Agent - Life1/25/20108/17/2023
InactiveBoles, Thomas E 711807Agent - Health2/19/201012/9/2010
InactiveBoles, Thomas E 711807Agent - Life2/19/201012/9/2010
InactiveBossingham, Dennis James 716822Agent - Health12/9/20094/26/2010
InactiveBossingham, Dennis James 716822Agent - Life12/9/20094/26/2010
DeniedBoyd, Larry Gayle 565155Agent - Health  
InactiveBoyd, Larry Gayle 565155Agent - Life12/28/200412/23/2014
InactiveBrown, Ashley Marie 549789Agent - Health3/2/200912/1/2019
InactiveBrown, Ashley Marie 549789Agent - Life3/2/200912/1/2019
ActiveBrown, David A 317444Agent - Health7/19/2004 
ActiveBrown, David A 317444Agent - Life7/19/2004 
ActiveBrown, David A 317444Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities7/19/2004 
InactiveBrown, Gregory A 778524Agent - Health12/10/20136/29/2014
InactiveBrown, Gregory A 778524Agent - Life12/10/20136/29/2014
InactiveBrown, Jo Anna 688007Agent - Health6/4/200912/1/2010
InactiveBrown, Jo Anna 688007Agent - Life6/4/200912/1/2010
InactiveBrown, Rachel Susanne 676273Agent - Health11/13/200810/17/2011
InactiveBrown, Rachel Susanne 676273Agent - Life11/13/200810/17/2011
InactiveBrown, Vickie Lynn 547931Agent - Health7/19/20049/2/2008
InactiveBrown, Vickie Lynn 547931Agent - Life7/19/20049/2/2008
ActiveBrowning, Leticia 751365Agent - Health8/8/2011 
ActiveBrowning, Leticia 751365Agent - Life8/8/2011 
InactiveBrowning, Stephen M 782236Agent - Health9/24/20121/2/2013
InactiveBrowning, Stephen M 782236Agent - Life9/24/20121/2/2013
InactiveBrunswick, Joe Mack 760778Agent - Health11/28/20116/4/2012
InactiveBrunswick, Joe Mack 760778Agent - Life11/28/20116/4/2012
InactiveBuchanan, Nancy Kathryn 558063Agent - Health12/28/20049/17/2012
InactiveBuchanan, Nancy Kathryn 558063Agent - Life12/28/20049/17/2012
InactiveBurchett, Shawn C 809506Agent - Health10/1/201311/13/2013
InactiveBurchett, Shawn C 809506Agent - Life10/1/201311/13/2013
InactiveBurton, Wanda Kay 359121Agent - Health8/9/200410/24/2007
InactiveBurton, Wanda Kay 359121Agent - Life8/9/200410/24/2007
InactiveBushong, Rodney Alan 583029Agent - Health12/28/20049/30/2020
InactiveBushong, Rodney Alan 583029Agent - Life12/28/20049/30/2020
InactiveCalkins, Phillip David 365874Agent - Health2/19/201311/18/2014
InactiveCalkins, Phillip David 365874Agent - Life2/19/201311/18/2014
InactiveCannon, Jay Paul 600800Agent - Health3/14/20053/2/2007
InactiveCannon, Jay Paul 600800Agent - Life3/14/20053/2/2007
InactiveCarpenter, Tyler Chase 760579Agent - Health2/7/201310/28/2013
InactiveCarpenter, Tyler Chase 760579Agent - Life2/7/201310/28/2013
InactiveCarsone, Phillip Anthony 358830Agent - Health7/19/20045/15/2008
InactiveCarsone, Phillip Anthony 358830Agent - Life7/19/20045/15/2008
InactiveCastleberry, Heather 827424Agent - Health2/18/20146/8/2015
InactiveCastleberry, Heather 827424Agent - Life2/18/20146/8/2015
InactiveChampion, Teresa G 780277Agent - Health10/19/20124/1/2022
InactiveChampion, Teresa G 780277Agent - Life10/19/20124/1/2022
InactiveChaney, Corinne Kathleen 719696Agent - Health3/28/20113/12/2012
InactiveChaney, Corinne Kathleen 719696Agent - Life3/28/20113/12/2012
InactiveClapp, Melisa D 787000Agent - Health12/10/201210/1/2013
InactiveClapp, Melisa D 787000Agent - Life12/10/201210/1/2013
InactiveColeman, Gregory Dean 564685Agent - Health12/28/20045/6/2005
InactiveColeman, Gregory Dean 564685Agent - Life12/28/20045/6/2005
InactiveColyer, John Mark 876269Agent - Health10/17/201611/1/2016
InactiveColyer, John Mark 876269Agent - Life10/17/201611/1/2016
InactiveCombs, David Earle 328503Agent - Health7/19/20043/20/2017
InactiveCombs, David Earle 328503Agent - Life7/19/20043/20/2017
InactiveCombs, David Earle 328503Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities7/19/20043/20/2017
InactiveCongleton, Roy Tevis 336497Agent - Health7/19/20041/14/2008
InactiveCongleton, Roy Tevis 336497Agent - Life7/19/20041/14/2008
InactiveCooper, Clinton Curtis 527591Agent - Health3/13/20081/26/2009
InactiveCooper, Clinton Curtis 527591Agent - Life3/13/20081/26/2009
InactiveCopeland, Howard 394354Agent - Health7/19/200410/7/2009
InactiveCopeland, Howard 394354Agent - Life7/19/200410/7/2009
InactiveCornett, John Morgan 330838Agent - Life7/19/20046/30/2008
InactiveCortell, Nancy M 594722Agent - Health12/28/20044/28/2005
InactiveCortell, Nancy M 594722Agent - Life12/28/20044/28/2005
InactiveCothran, Brandon Lee 688932Agent - Health10/17/201111/5/2012
InactiveCothran, Brandon Lee 688932Agent - Life10/17/201111/5/2012
InactiveCoy, Darlene D 679312Agent - Health7/7/20085/1/2010
InactiveCoy, Darlene D 679312Agent - Life7/7/20085/1/2010
InactiveCrady, Jeffrey Sexton 820094Agent - Health12/26/20132/11/2014
InactiveCrady, Jeffrey Sexton 820094Agent - Life12/26/20132/11/2014
InactiveCravens, Alex M 810170Agent - Health7/18/20138/15/2014
InactiveCravens, Alex M 810170Agent - Life7/18/20138/15/2014
InactiveCrouse, Shelia Kay 546476Agent - Health7/19/200411/1/2018
InactiveCrouse, Shelia Kay 546476Agent - Life11/3/201011/1/2018
InactiveCruce, Sharon J 535141Agent - Health7/19/200411/27/2007
InactiveCruce, Sharon J 535141Agent - Life7/19/200411/27/2007
ActiveCummins, Mary Ann 570995Agent - Health10/17/2016 
ActiveCummins, Mary Ann 570995Agent - Life10/17/2016 
InactiveDanowski, Cindy L 823969Agent - Health4/18/20143/1/2015
InactiveDanowski, Cindy L 823969Agent - Life4/18/20143/1/2015
ActiveDavis, Earl W. 502899Agent - Health12/28/2004 
ActiveDavis, Earl W. 502899Agent - Life12/28/2004 
InactiveDavis, William Lewis 331147Agent - Health7/19/200412/31/2007
InactiveDavis, William Lewis 331147Agent - Life7/19/200412/31/2007
InactiveDennie, Devin N 775861Agent - Health9/17/20122/6/2013
InactiveDennie, Devin N 775861Agent - Life9/17/20122/6/2013
InactiveDiehl, Stephanie Butler 768727Agent - Life2/20/20125/21/2012
InactiveDoise, Desi Paul 579217Agent - Life6/25/20042/5/2007
InactiveDoise, Desi Paul 579217Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities7/19/20042/5/2007
InactiveDossett, Jason W 596985Agent - Health4/29/20057/15/2005
InactiveDossett, Jason W 596985Agent - Life4/15/20057/15/2005
InactiveDowdy, Larry Warn 324003Agent - Health7/19/20043/25/2005
InactiveDowdy, Larry Warn 324003Agent - Life7/19/20043/25/2005
InactiveDowdy, Larry Warn 324003Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities7/19/20042/1/2005
InactiveDoyle, Billy B 384120Agent - Life7/19/20047/1/2006
ActiveDoyle, Jeffrey Lane 543017Agent - Health8/9/2004 
ActiveDoyle, Jeffrey Lane 543017Agent - Life8/9/2004 
ActiveDoyle, Jeffrey Lane 543017Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities8/9/2004 
InactiveDuncan, Charles Dennis 356047Agent - Life12/28/20044/7/2010
InactiveDuncan, Clinton Heath 575799Agent - Health7/19/20044/28/2007
InactiveDuncan, Clinton Heath 575799Agent - Life7/19/20044/28/2007
InactiveDuvall, Amanda H 745084Agent - Health4/18/20118/5/2020
InactiveDuvall, Amanda H 745084Agent - Life4/18/20118/5/2020
InactiveEades, Roy Chad 581695Agent - Health7/19/200411/4/2004
InactiveEades, Roy Chad 581695Agent - Life7/19/200411/4/2004
InactiveEmberton, Albert H 526559Agent - Health7/19/20043/31/2021
InactiveEmberton, Albert H 526559Agent - Life7/19/20043/31/2021
InactiveEmberton, Albert H 526559Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities7/19/20042/26/2020
InactiveEmerson, Jeffrey Lynn 554832Agent - Health7/19/20042/26/2007
InactiveEmerson, Jeffrey Lynn 554832Agent - Life7/19/20043/2/2007
InactiveEngland, Bryan L 792664Agent - Health2/18/20149/1/2017
InactiveEngland, Bryan L 792664Agent - Life2/18/20149/1/2017
InactiveEpling, Justin Keith 500539Agent - Health7/19/20049/1/2008
InactiveEpling, Justin Keith 500539Agent - Life7/19/20049/1/2008
InactiveErwin, Billy Paul 310118Agent - Health1/25/20135/1/2015
InactiveErwin, Billy Paul 310118Agent - Life1/25/20135/1/2015
InactiveFelts, Michael Layne 586286Agent - Health8/30/20042/1/2013
InactiveFelts, Michael Layne 586286Agent - Life8/30/20042/1/2013
InactiveFogg, Anita L 597703Agent - Health1/24/200512/7/2005
InactiveFogg, Anita L 597703Agent - Life1/24/200512/7/2005
InactiveFord, Ronald Kenneth 385999Agent - Health12/28/20042/28/2007
InactiveFord, Ronald Kenneth 385999Agent - Life12/28/20042/28/2007
InactiveFryman, Christopher W 798624Agent - Health2/19/20136/8/2017
InactiveFryman, Christopher W 798624Agent - Life2/19/20136/8/2017
InactiveGallagher, Julia Kaye 507317Agent - Health1/25/20107/6/2010
InactiveGallagher, Julia Kaye 507317Agent - Life1/25/20107/6/2010
InactiveGallagher, Michael Shannon 719158Agent - Health5/18/201012/9/2010
InactiveGallagher, Michael Shannon 719158Agent - Life5/18/201012/9/2010
InactiveGass, Chad Alan 746071Agent - Health3/19/20135/9/2013
InactiveGass, Chad Alan 746071Agent - Life3/19/20136/24/2013
InactiveGilbert, Nancy Gail 524554Agent - Health7/19/20044/1/2015
InactiveGilbert, Nancy Gail 524554Agent - Life7/19/20044/1/2015
InactiveGoens, David Matthew 608794Agent - Health9/19/20055/3/2006
InactiveGoens, David Matthew 608794Agent - Life9/19/20053/2/2007
InactiveGordley, Jessica Eilene 760750Agent - Health4/2/201212/3/2012
InactiveGordley, Jessica Eilene 760750Agent - Life4/2/20121/2/2013
ActiveGossum, John Kevin 334409Agent - Health7/19/2004 
ActiveGossum, John Kevin 334409Agent - Life9/1/2010 
ActiveGossum, John Kevin 334409Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities7/19/2004 
InactiveGrantham, Bobbi 783954Agent - Health6/10/20133/31/2020
InactiveGrantham, Bobbi 783954Agent - Life6/10/20133/31/2020
InactiveHaack, Steven Otto 579218Agent - Health6/25/20041/7/2014
InactiveHaack, Steven Otto 579218Agent - Life6/25/20041/7/2014
InactiveHaack, Steven Otto 579218Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities8/9/20046/12/2013
InactiveHamilton, Leslie Carol 570028Agent - Health10/29/201212/11/2013
InactiveHamilton, Leslie Carol 570028Agent - Life10/29/201212/11/2013
InactiveHammock, Hope Toya 791318Agent - Health2/19/20136/8/2015
InactiveHammock, Hope Toya 791318Agent - Life2/19/20136/8/2015
InactiveHarrison, Dreama L 820708Agent - Health12/10/201311/1/2017
InactiveHarrison, Dreama L 820708Agent - Life12/10/201312/12/2016
InactiveHart, Marshall Frazee 774568Agent - Health10/1/20134/8/2014
InactiveHart, Marshall Frazee 774568Agent - Life10/1/20134/8/2014
ActiveHay, Gary W 328153Agent - Health8/9/2004 
ActiveHay, Gary W 328153Agent - Life8/9/2004 
InactiveHayes, Roger M 812656Agent - Health10/15/20138/18/2015
InactiveHayes, Roger M 812656Agent - Life10/15/201312/1/2017
InactiveHennekes, Paul B 732054Agent - Health9/7/20104/25/2011
InactiveHennekes, Paul B 732054Agent - Life9/7/20104/25/2011
InactiveHibbs, Ciara Nicole 819178Agent - Health11/12/20137/14/2014
InactiveHibbs, Ciara Nicole 819178Agent - Life11/12/20137/14/2014
InactiveHieronymus, Daniel Spilman 697623Agent - Health7/6/20099/24/2009
InactiveHieronymus, Daniel Spilman 697623Agent - Life7/6/20099/24/2009
InactiveHilbrecht, Timothy Wayne 305253Agent - Health12/28/20042/4/2005
InactiveHilbrecht, Timothy Wayne 305253Agent - Life12/28/20042/4/2005
InactiveHinton, Mitchell Dalton 521582Agent - Health12/28/20043/31/2006
InactiveHinton, Mitchell Dalton 521582Agent - Life12/28/20043/31/2006
InactiveHitch, Donna J 347638Agent - Health7/19/200410/21/2004
InactiveHitch, Donna J 347638Agent - Life7/19/200410/21/2004
InactiveHorn, Amy Nicole 760738Agent - Health10/24/20113/22/2012
InactiveHorn, Amy Nicole 760738Agent - Life10/24/20113/22/2012
InactiveHoward, Jana Karol 706821Agent - Health5/31/20112/24/2012
InactiveHoward, Jana Karol 706821Agent - Life5/31/20112/24/2012
ActiveHunt, Samuel D 670498Agent - Life8/21/2009 
InactiveJefferson, Raymond Thomas 504095Agent - Health12/28/20043/2/2007
InactiveJefferson, Raymond Thomas 504095Agent - Life12/28/20043/2/2007
InactiveJohnson, Bennie 797050Agent - Health5/28/201310/11/2013
InactiveJohnson, Bennie 797050Agent - Life5/28/201310/11/2013
InactiveJohnson, Shawnette Rachquel 604925Agent - Health6/6/20057/1/2006
InactiveJohnson, Shawnette Rachquel 604925Agent - Life6/6/20057/1/2006
InactiveJones, Treva Lee 308726Agent - Health10/17/20164/24/2017
InactiveJones, Treva Lee 308726Agent - Life10/17/20164/24/2017
InactiveKendall, Anetta 814853Agent - Health9/17/20137/1/2015
InactiveKendall, Anetta 814853Agent - Life9/17/20131/7/2015
InactiveKessinger, Bradley Scott 792740Agent - Health3/8/20135/12/2014
InactiveKessinger, Bradley Scott 792740Agent - Life3/8/20135/12/2014
DeniedKey, Jessica Marie 777857Agent - Health  
InactiveKey, Jessica Marie 777857Agent - Life6/4/20125/24/2014
InactiveKing, Devonna June 502710Agent - Health7/19/200410/27/2006
InactiveKing, Devonna June 502710Agent - Life7/19/200410/27/2006
InactiveKing, Joey 320198Agent - Health7/19/20041/26/2009
InactiveKing, Joey 320198Agent - Life7/19/20041/26/2009
InactiveKing, Timothy Jamison 590053Agent - Health12/28/20042/14/2005
InactiveKing, Timothy Jamison 590053Agent - Life12/28/20042/14/2005
ActiveLaird, William Henry 306539Agent - Health5/31/2011 
ActiveLaird, William Henry 306539Agent - Life5/31/2011 
DeniedLamm, Jared Holland 582001Agent - Health  
DeniedLamm, Jared Holland 582001Agent - Life  
InactiveLear, Ronnie G 526562Agent - Health7/19/20042/27/2019
InactiveLear, Ronnie G 526562Agent - Life7/19/20042/27/2019
InactiveLowe, Bradley Wells 803694Agent - Health6/10/201311/29/2017
InactiveLowe, Bradley Wells 803694Agent - Life6/10/201311/29/2017
InactiveLudlow, Venus 714134Agent - Health2/19/20108/23/2010
InactiveLudlow, Venus 714134Agent - Life2/19/20108/23/2010
InactiveMalloy, Glenna M 775404Agent - Health10/19/201211/28/2013
InactiveMalloy, Glenna M 775404Agent - Life10/19/201211/28/2013
InactiveMaloney, Randall Lee 346363Agent - Health7/19/20043/2/2007
InactiveMaloney, Randall Lee 346363Agent - Life7/19/20043/2/2007
InactiveManifold, William James 579216Agent - Health3/10/20054/30/2019
InactiveManifold, William James 579216Agent - Life4/27/20074/30/2019
InactiveManifold, William James 579216Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities8/9/20044/30/2019
InactiveMathis, Christopher Chase 722618Agent - Health3/28/20113/12/2012
InactiveMathis, Christopher Chase 722618Agent - Life3/28/20113/12/2012
InactiveMcCarty, Samuel Elliott 933521Agent - Health1/3/201712/1/2019
InactiveMcCarty, Samuel Elliott 933521Agent - Life1/3/20179/10/2019
InactiveMcCarver, Richard Shane 315429Agent - Health8/30/20043/31/2005
InactiveMcCarver, Richard Shane 315429Agent - Life8/30/20043/31/2005
InactiveMcConnell, James Clayton 590822Agent - Health8/22/20053/2/2007
InactiveMcConnell, James Clayton 590822Agent - Life8/22/20053/2/2007
InactiveMcNeil, Cecelia W 303550Agent - Health12/28/20047/1/2009
InactiveMcNeil, Cecelia W 303550Agent - Life12/28/20047/1/2009
InactiveMcNew, Bradley Scott 623101Agent - Health2/28/20119/1/2018
InactiveMcNew, Bradley Scott 623101Agent - Life2/28/20119/1/2018
InactiveMeadows, Daren 783703Agent - Health9/24/20121/11/2013
InactiveMeadows, Daren 783703Agent - Life9/24/20121/11/2013
InactiveMeeks, Cheryl Lynn 561413Agent - Health3/28/201112/1/2014
InactiveMeeks, Cheryl Lynn 561413Agent - Life3/28/201112/1/2014
InactiveMegel, Patrick K 958820Agent - Health3/28/20186/30/2021
InactiveMegel, Patrick K 958820Agent - Life3/28/20186/30/2021
InactiveMegel, Patrick K 958820Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities4/18/20186/30/2021
DeniedMiller, John Keith 586957Agent - Health  
DeniedMiller, John Keith 586957Agent - Life  
InactiveMitchell, Deena Gail 816194Agent - Health11/12/20136/8/2015
InactiveMitchell, Deena Gail 816194Agent - Life11/12/20136/8/2015
InactiveMonroe, David A 371238Agent - Health7/19/20041/23/2019
InactiveMonroe, David A 371238Agent - Life7/19/20041/23/2019
InactiveMorrow, Caryn Janel 354844Agent - Health7/19/200412/13/2006
InactiveMorrow, Caryn Janel 354844Agent - Life7/19/20043/2/2007
InactiveNance, Rodney Steven 714139Agent - Health2/19/20104/17/2011
InactiveNance, Rodney Steven 714139Agent - Life2/19/20104/17/2011
InactiveNeal, Jerry Lee 653633Agent - Health5/11/20126/1/2024
InactiveNeal, Jerry Lee 653633Agent - Life5/11/20126/1/2024
InactiveNewcomb, Sherrie Lynn 717154Agent - Health6/7/20106/4/2012
InactiveNewcomb, Sherrie Lynn 717154Agent - Life6/7/20106/4/2012
InactiveNuckols, Terry David 332492Agent - Health7/19/20049/1/2005
InactiveNuckols, Terry David 332492Agent - Life7/19/20049/1/2005
InactiveNunn, Beverly Jo 328137Agent - Health7/18/20131/29/2015
InactiveNunn, Beverly Jo 328137Agent - Life7/18/20131/29/2015
InactiveOwen, Spencer Thomas 917155Agent - Health3/29/20179/13/2018
InactiveOwen, Spencer Thomas 917155Agent - Life4/20/20179/13/2018
DeniedOwen, Spencer Thomas 917155Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities  
InactivePainter, Julie Ann 705852Agent - Health8/21/20093/19/2010
InactivePainter, Julie Ann 705852Agent - Life8/21/20093/19/2010
InactivePalazzo, Rhonda Raye 388137Agent - Health12/26/20137/21/2014
InactivePalazzo, Rhonda Raye 388137Agent - Life12/26/20137/21/2014
InactiveParrish, Eugenia Faye 321970Agent - Life7/19/20041/31/2005
InactivePhillips, David Ernest 717927Agent - Health2/19/201012/9/2010
InactivePhillips, David Ernest 717927Agent - Life2/19/201012/9/2010
InactivePillow, Joe C 314615Agent - Health7/19/20049/11/2008
InactivePillow, Joe C 314615Agent - Life7/19/20049/11/2008
InactivePorter, Rita F 523143Agent - Health8/21/20092/1/2010
InactivePorter, Rita F 523143Agent - Life8/21/20092/1/2010
InactivePorter, Thomas Allen 324206Agent - Health7/19/20043/2/2010
InactivePorter, Thomas Allen 324206Agent - Life7/19/20043/2/2010
InactiveRay, Jesse Aaron 730989Agent - Health9/7/20105/1/2012
InactiveRay, Jesse Aaron 730989Agent - Life9/7/20104/12/2011
InactiveReed, Justin D 756290Agent - Health2/9/201211/12/2013
InactiveReed, Justin D 756290Agent - Life2/9/201211/12/2013
InactiveRice, Kelly D 799876Agent - Health4/25/20132/29/2016
InactiveRice, Kelly D 799876Agent - Life4/25/20132/29/2016
InactiveRichardson, Shawn Renea 575987Agent - Health7/19/20046/27/2005
InactiveRichardson, Shawn Renea 575987Agent - Life7/19/20046/27/2005
InactiveRoberts, Lanita Lyn 684120Agent - Health12/12/20115/20/2013
InactiveRoberts, Lanita Lyn 684120Agent - Life12/12/20115/20/2013
ActiveRogers, Grant Scott 699896Agent - Health4/27/2009 
ActiveRogers, Grant Scott 699896Agent - Life4/27/2009 
InactiveRogers, Vicki L 731740Agent - Health3/28/201112/28/2012
InactiveRogers, Vicki L 731740Agent - Life3/28/201112/28/2012
InactiveRoof, David Harold 308721Agent - Health1/21/201411/9/2021
InactiveRoof, David Harold 308721Agent - Life1/21/201411/9/2021
InactiveRoutt, Randall L 689395Agent - Health4/27/20098/30/2010
InactiveRoutt, Randall L 689395Agent - Life4/27/20098/30/2010
InactiveRudolph, Barton Drew 385972Agent - Health7/19/20043/2/2007
InactiveRudolph, Barton Drew 385972Agent - Life7/19/20043/2/2007
InactiveRudolph, Darrin Blake 345913Agent - Health8/9/20043/2/2007
InactiveRudolph, Darrin Blake 345913Agent - Life8/9/20043/2/2007
InactiveRudolph, Darrin Blake 345913Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities8/9/20045/2/2006
InactiveRudolph, Ted Warren 304877Agent - Health8/9/20043/2/2007
InactiveRudolph, Ted Warren 304877Agent - Life8/9/20043/2/2007
InactiveRudolph, Ted Warren 304877Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities8/9/20045/3/2006
InactiveRyan, Randle Lee 684533Agent - Health11/13/20087/1/2013
InactiveRyan, Randle Lee 684533Agent - Life11/13/20087/1/2013
ActiveSavage, Kyle W 1113921Agent - Health4/1/2021 
ActiveSavage, Kyle W 1113921Agent - Life4/1/2021 
DeniedSavage, Kyle W 1113921Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities  
InactiveSchack, Christopher Joseph 878618Agent - Health1/10/20173/31/2021
InactiveSchack, Christopher Joseph 878618Agent - Life10/17/201612/12/2016
InactiveSchwartz, James Andrew 315864Agent - Health7/19/20047/1/2009
InactiveSchwartz, James Andrew 315864Agent - Life7/19/20047/1/2009
InactiveSchwartz, James Andrew 315864Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities7/19/20047/10/2009
InactiveScott, Sharon L 536603Agent - Health7/19/20048/26/2004
InactiveScott, Sharon L 536603Agent - Life7/19/20048/26/2004
InactiveScruggs, Charles Timmy 358583Agent - Health7/19/20047/1/2011
InactiveScruggs, Charles Timmy 358583Agent - Life7/19/20047/1/2011
InactiveScruggs, Charles Timmy 358583Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities7/19/20047/1/2011
InactiveSears, Kimberly H 763014Agent - Health10/24/20113/23/2015
InactiveSears, Kimberly H 763014Agent - Life10/24/201110/26/2014
InactiveShoulta, Joshua 748770Agent - Health8/8/20111/28/2013
InactiveShoulta, Joshua 748770Agent - Life8/8/20111/28/2013
InactiveSlone, Leslie Dean 597859Agent - Health12/28/20048/31/2006
InactiveSlone, Leslie Dean 597859Agent - Life12/28/20048/31/2006
ActiveSmiley, James Craig 540799Agent - Health12/28/2004 
ActiveSmiley, James Craig 540799Agent - Life12/28/2004 
InactiveSmith, Gregg M 532963Agent - Health1/11/20136/1/2018
InactiveSmith, Gregg M 532963Agent - Life1/11/20136/1/2018
InactiveSmith, Herman Douglas 597696Agent - Health2/14/20051/10/2007
InactiveSmith, Herman Douglas 597696Agent - Life2/14/20051/10/2007
ActiveSneed, Jeffrey Todd 701523Agent - Life5/13/2013 
InactiveSorrell, Bradley Kent 881218Agent - Health10/17/20169/8/2017
InactiveSorrell, Bradley Kent 881218Agent - Life10/17/20169/8/2017
ActiveStagner, Nedrah Carrie 351613Agent - Life4/1/2014 
InactiveStanfield, Phyllis Jean 345035Agent - Health8/9/20049/30/2007
InactiveStanfield, Phyllis Jean 345035Agent - Life8/9/20049/30/2007
InactiveStaples, John 321200Agent - Health1/8/20109/2/2010
InactiveStaples, John 321200Agent - Life1/8/20109/2/2010
InactiveStarks, Randall 359013Agent - Health8/9/20041/1/2009
InactiveStarks, Randall 359013Agent - Life8/9/20041/1/2009
InactiveStarks, Randall 359013Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities8/9/20041/1/2009
InactiveStevens, Homer Eugene 574500Agent - Health7/19/20046/28/2005
InactiveStevens, Homer Eugene 574500Agent - Life7/19/20046/28/2005
InactiveStewart, Deborah Lynn 721745Agent - Health6/10/20137/8/2013
InactiveStewart, Deborah Lynn 721745Agent - Life6/10/20137/8/2013
ActiveStrickland, Nathan J 1089408Agent - Health10/13/2023 
ActiveStrickland, Nathan J 1089408Agent - Life10/13/2023 
InactiveStringer, Reggie Dale 689394Agent - Health10/17/20161/9/2024
InactiveStringer, Reggie Dale 689394Agent - Life10/17/20161/9/2024
InactiveSutton, Doris Lorraine 561415Agent - Health12/28/20046/28/2005
InactiveSutton, Doris Lorraine 561415Agent - Life12/28/20043/2/2007
InactiveTatum, Nancy Jenet 382465Agent - Life12/28/20042/28/2007
InactiveTaylor, Jeffrey E 558596Agent - Health7/19/20047/1/2006
InactiveTaylor, Jeffrey E 558596Agent - Life7/19/20047/1/2006
InactiveTreadway, Matthew Steven 711373Agent - Health10/2/200910/14/2009
InactiveTreadway, Matthew Steven 711373Agent - Life10/2/200910/14/2009
InactiveTrue, Lee Ann 873140Agent - Health1/3/201711/29/2018
InactiveTrue, Lee Ann 873140Agent - Life1/3/201711/29/2018
InactiveTucker, Andrew C 723538Agent - Health6/7/20108/30/2010
InactiveTucker, Andrew C 723538Agent - Life6/7/20108/30/2010
InactiveUsher, Cody 774052Agent - Health4/11/20121/2/2013
InactiveUsher, Cody 774052Agent - Life4/11/20121/2/2013
InactiveUtley, Michael Lee 690400Agent - Health11/13/20088/1/2012
InactiveUtley, Michael Lee 690400Agent - Life11/13/20088/1/2012
InactiveVaughn, Kelli Ann 610730Agent - Health4/13/20091/1/2011
InactiveVaughn, Kelli Ann 610730Agent - Life4/13/20091/1/2011
InactiveVaught, Robert Earl 707957Agent - Health5/13/20134/4/2015
InactiveVaught, Robert Earl 707957Agent - Life5/13/20134/4/2015
InactiveWard, Melissa G 526560Agent - Life7/19/200412/15/2004
ActiveWaters, Brandon Dale 647310Agent - Health8/5/2013 
ActiveWaters, Brandon Dale 647310Agent - Life8/5/2013 
InactiveWebb, Danny W 304474Agent - Health7/19/200410/23/2024
InactiveWebb, Danny W 304474Agent - Life7/19/200410/23/2024
InactiveWebb, Danny W 304474Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities7/19/200410/23/2024
InactiveWebb, Faron Dale 562889Agent - Health 7/1/2004
InactiveWebb, Faron Dale 562889Agent - Life 7/1/2004
InactiveWebb, Sharon K 318496Agent - Health8/9/20047/31/2021
InactiveWebb, Sharon K 318496Agent - Life8/9/20047/31/2021
InactiveWells, Jason Ashley 377017Agent - Health11/13/20082/9/2009
InactiveWells, Jason Ashley 377017Agent - Life11/13/20082/9/2009
DeniedWheatley, Michael R 523332Agent - Health  
InactiveWheatley, Michael R 523332Agent - Life7/19/20043/2/2007
ActiveWheatley, Thomas L 787065Agent - Health9/24/2012 
ActiveWheatley, Thomas L 787065Agent - Life9/24/2012 
ActiveWhitehead, Charles J 355924Agent - Health6/8/2007 
ActiveWhitehead, Charles J 355924Agent - Life6/8/2007 
InactiveWilcoxson, Walter Raymond 321509Agent - Health4/7/20089/1/2008
InactiveWilcoxson, Walter Raymond 321509Agent - Life4/7/20089/1/2008
InactiveWilliams, Larry Wayne 318363Agent - Health8/9/20043/2/2007
InactiveWilliams, Larry Wayne 318363Agent - Life7/19/20043/2/2007
InactiveWilliams, Scott W 377579Agent - Health7/19/20047/31/2006
InactiveWilliams, Scott W 377579Agent - Life7/19/20043/2/2007
ActiveWilliams, Shirley Ann 335713Agent - Health1/20/2009 
ActiveWilliams, Shirley Ann 335713Agent - Life1/20/2009 
ActiveWillis, Richard Glen 334816Agent - Health8/9/2004 
ActiveWillis, Richard Glen 334816Agent - Life8/9/2004 
ActiveWillis, Richard Glen 334816Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities8/9/2004 
InactiveWills, Courtney Miller 799488Agent - Health4/29/20132/6/2014
InactiveWills, Courtney Miller 799488Agent - Life4/29/20132/6/2014
InactiveWinn, Malea Darlene 753772Agent - Health10/24/20112/1/2018
InactiveWinn, Malea Darlene 753772Agent - Life10/24/20112/1/2018
InactiveWinn, Michael Jeffery 324993Agent - Health7/19/200412/6/2019
InactiveWinn, Michael Jeffery 324993Agent - Life7/19/20044/30/2021
InactiveWinn, Michael Jeffery 324993Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities7/19/20044/30/2021
InactiveWright, Ralph E 534405Agent - Health7/19/200412/20/2004
InactiveWright, Ralph E 534405Agent - Life7/19/200412/20/2004
InactiveZavitz, Bethany Cherisse 560865Agent - Health2/14/20052/14/2006
InactiveZavitz, Bethany Cherisse 560865Agent - Life2/14/20052/14/2006

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