NameClose, Matthew BDOIID903517NAIC NPN16865311
License - Line of Authority Information
StatusResidencyClassLine of AuthorityActive DateInactive DateLicense Expiration Date
ActiveNon ResidentAgentCasualty10/10/2016 4/30/2027
ActiveNon ResidentAgentVariable Life and Variable Annuities1/14/2016 4/30/2027
ActiveNon ResidentAgentPersonal Lines10/10/2016 4/30/2027
ActiveNon ResidentAgentLife1/8/2016 4/30/2027
ActiveNon ResidentAgentProperty10/10/2016 4/30/2027
ActiveNon ResidentAgentHealth1/8/2016 4/30/2027
* If a status Is Pending, Pending Replacement,Or the record displays Affidavit On File, click On them For more details.
Notice: The Department verifies, at the time of application for a Variable Life and Variable Annuity line of authority, that an agent is registered with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the applicant has passed the Series 6 or greater exam. The Department does not verify registration with FINRA after the agent is qualified by the Department to receive the Variable Life and Variable Annuity line of authority. If you have questions about a broker’s FINRA registration status, you should check this status directly with FINRA.

License Renewal Information
ClassInvoice DateResponse Due / Expiration DateResponse Received DatePayment Received DateRenewal Complete
Appointments with the following Insurers
StatusAffiliation NameDOI NumberLine of AuthorityActive DateInactive Date
ActiveAetna Health Inc. (PA)660717Agent - Health10/15/2024 
ActiveAetna Health of Ohio Inc.1065035Agent - Health10/15/2024 
ActiveAetna Life Insurance Company301140Agent - Health10/15/2024 
ActiveAnthem Health Plans of Kentucky, Inc.300999Agent - Health9/25/2024 
ActiveAnthem Insurance Companies, Inc.300941Agent - Health9/25/2024 
ActiveCare Improvement Plus South Central Insurance Company799697Agent - Health9/19/2024 
ActiveCompcare Health Services Insurance Corporation948751Agent - Health9/25/2024 
InactiveFortitude Life Insurance & Annuity Company301503Agent - Life8/13/202012/14/2022
InactiveFortitude Life Insurance & Annuity Company301503Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities8/13/202012/14/2022
InactiveLM General Insurance Company300133Agent - Personal Lines1/16/201711/11/2022
ActiveLM Insurance Corporation301061Agent - Personal Lines2/6/2017 
ActiveLiberty Insurance Corporation300444Agent - Personal Lines1/27/2017 
ActiveLiberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company301913Agent - Personal Lines1/31/2017 
ActiveLiberty Mutual Insurance Company301159Agent - Personal Lines10/27/2020 
ActiveLiberty Mutual Personal Insurance Company959584Agent - Personal Lines11/13/2019 
ActivePeerless Indemnity Insurance Company571682Agent - Personal Lines2/3/2023 
ActiveProgressive Casualty Insurance Company300696Agent - Personal Lines11/27/2018 
ActivePruco Life Insurance Company300954Agent - Life1/22/2016 
ActivePruco Life Insurance Company300954Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities1/22/2016 
ActivePrudential Insurance Company of America300784Agent - Health1/22/2016 
ActivePrudential Insurance Company of America300784Agent - Life1/22/2016 
ActivePrudential Insurance Company of America300784Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities1/22/2016 
ActiveSilverScript Insurance Company663526Agent - Health10/15/2024 
ActiveUnitedHealthcare Insurance Company300946Agent - Health9/19/2024 
ActiveUnitedHealthcare of Wisconsin, Inc.871491Agent - Health9/19/2024 
Designated to act on behalf of the following Business Entities
StatusAffiliation NameDOI NumberLine of AuthorityActive DateInactive Date
ActiveLPL Enterprise, LLC1333130Agent - Life11/25/2024 
ActiveLPL Enterprise, LLC1333130Agent - Health11/25/2024 
ActiveLPL Enterprise, LLC1333130Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities11/25/2024 
ActivePrudential Insurance Agency LLC620187Agent - Life9/27/2021 
ActivePrudential Insurance Agency LLC620187Agent - Health9/27/2021 
ActivePrudential Insurance Agency LLC620187Agent - Variable Life and Variable Annuities9/27/2021 
DeniedPrudential Insurance Agency LLC620187Agent - Property  
DeniedPrudential Insurance Agency LLC620187Agent - Casualty  

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