Course # | Course Concentration | KY Provider Name | Completion Date | Method of Instruction | Credit Hours | Compliance Date |
No Fault Coverage Uncovered - Virtual Class - C12027 | Property and Casualty | Cincinnati Insurance Board | 12/10/2024 | Classroom | 3 | 3/31/2026 |
Ethics in Action-Virtual Class - C20335 | Ethics | Cincinnati Insurance Board | 12/10/2024 | Classroom | 3 | 3/31/2026 |
An E&O Loss Control Program For All Agencies(Web) - C25569 | General Insurance Principles | American Ins. Mktg.and Sales Society (AIMS previously CPIA) | 12/4/2024 | Classroom | 7 | 3/31/2026 |
Position for Success (CPIA1) Webinar - C24508 | General Insurance Principles | American Ins. Mktg.and Sales Society (AIMS previously CPIA) | 9/10/2024 | Classroom | 7 | 3/31/2026 |
Implement for Success (CPIA2) Webinar - C80110 | General Insurance Principles | American Ins. Mktg.and Sales Society (AIMS previously CPIA) | 9/20/2023 | Classroom | 7 | 3/31/2024 |
Why Ins To Value&Liability Lmts areAlways Wrng Web - C80633 | General Insurance Principles | Professional Insurance Agents of Kentucky, Inc. | 2/11/2023 | Classroom | 3 | 3/31/2024 |
Certificates&AddInsrds:WhatDidIDotoDesrve This Web - C24539 | General Insurance Principles | Professional Insurance Agents of Kentucky, Inc. | 2/7/2023 | Classroom | 3 | 3/31/2024 |
Biohazard Cleanup - 2 hour - C62283 | Property and Casualty | SERVPRO Industries, LLC | 12/8/2022 | Classroom | 2 | 3/31/2024 |
Ethics - C10183 | Ethics | SERVPRO Industries, LLC | 12/8/2022 | Classroom | 3 | 3/31/2024 |
Position for Success (CPIA1) Webinar - C24508 | General Insurance Principles | American Ins. Mktg.and Sales Society (AIMS previously CPIA) | 8/11/2022 | Classroom | 7 | 3/31/2024 |
Relating Ethics & Legality to Errors & Omissions - C07475 | Ethics | Professional Insurance Agents of Kentucky, Inc. | 5/5/2022 | Classroom | 4 | 3/31/2024 |
The Future is Now (rev) - C11349 | Property and Casualty | Safelite Auto Glass Corporation (OH) | 3/30/2022 | Classroom | 2 | 3/31/2022 |
Insurance Fraud and How to Prevent It - C54732 | Property and Casualty | Safelite Auto Glass Corporation (OH) | 3/30/2022 | Classroom | 2 | 3/31/2022 |
CISR - Commercial Casualty I - CGL, AI - C15445 | Property and Casualty | National Alliance, The | 2/17/2022 | Classroom | 7 | 3/31/2022 |
What''s New Now (Webinar) - C15097 | Life, Health, Property & Casualty | Big I Kentucky | 9/2/2021 | Classroom | 4 | 3/31/2022 |
Ethics and the Insurance Professional - C42819 | Ethics | Professional Insurance Agents of Kentucky, Inc. | 8/24/2021 | Classroom | 3 | 3/31/2022 |
Position For Success (CPIA1) - C24422 | General Insurance Principles | American Ins. Mktg.and Sales Society (AIMS previously CPIA) | 10/15/2020 | Classroom | 7 | 3/31/2022 |
Ins. Ethics, Easy to Discuss, Harder to Achieve - C22548 | Ethics | Professional Insurance Agents of Kentucky, Inc. | 9/16/2020 | Classroom | 3 | 3/31/2022 |