Course # | Course Concentration | KY Provider Name | Completion Date | Method of Instruction | Credit Hours | Compliance Date |
Shoulder and Knee Conditins plus Rehab (Webinar) - C27916 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 3/6/2025 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2026 |
Taking The Noise Out Of Hearing Loss Claims - C26919 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 1/21/2025 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2026 |
Symptom Magnification and Malingering - C45410 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 10/29/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2026 |
Wound Healing for the Injured Worker - C10667 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/15/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2026 |
Managing the Dental Claim Game - C19652 | Property and Casualty | Scully Health Management | 6/5/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
Clinical Management of PT in Work Comp - C24236 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 5/28/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
Impairment in the Workplace -Classroom - C26901 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 5/8/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
Lifetime Costs of Prosthetics - C24678 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 3/26/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
The Black Hole-Post Acute Care - C93586 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 2/27/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
EMG & NCS in Worker''s Compensation - C10411 | General Insurance Principles | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 1/23/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
RealitiesOfThePost-SettlementExperience:TheEssen-W - C26229 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 11/14/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
FunctionalCapacityEvaluationOverview&ImportanceWEB - C25713 | General Insurance Principles | Scully Health Management | 9/28/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
Physical Therapy vs Opioids: Conquer Chronic Pain - C23757 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 9/27/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
Prosthetics:Getting the Most for maximizing func. - C94039 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 9/12/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
Rethinking the Pain (Webinar) - C27918 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/1/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
BACK INJURIES FROM SPRAIN TO FUSION - C61191 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 7/11/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
UnderstandingEthical&Moral Difficulties in WCClaim - C15543 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 6/7/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
UnderstandingEthical&MoralDifficultiesinWCClaimsWE - C15513 | General Insurance Principles | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 6/7/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
Kentucky Wrkrs Comp Law and Ethics Update 1 HrWeb - C25552 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 5/11/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
AdvancingTheCareOfPatientsWithDisordersOfConscio-W - C25045 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 2/21/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
Ocular Trauma (Webinar) - C80518 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 1/9/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
25ImportantPointsIn60Mins.ToHelpYouManageYourCla-W - C24906 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 12/7/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
Complex Wound Closure Procedure Webinar - C80711 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 11/1/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
Dental Trama & Facial Injuries Webinar - C18742 | Casualty | Scully Health Management | 11/1/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
NewOrPre-ExistingInjury?GainInsightWithAnAgeOfInju - C24557 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 10/27/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
UsingGraceToDealWithStress&TraumaInClaims&InLife-W - C80645 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 10/26/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
Ethics In Wrk''sComp.Mental Health Evaluation&Treat - C24652 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 10/19/2022 | Classroom | 3 | 7/31/2024 |
The Types,Treatments,and Care of Burns -Webinar - C24120 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 8/24/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
InjuredToEnlightened:InsideA WrkCompPro''sPerson-Cl - C24122 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/10/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2024 |
PT 101:General PT Overview-(1hr) Webinar - C80328 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 6/15/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2022 |
Traumatic Brain Injuries&the Post Concussive Syndr - C80158 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 6/8/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2022 |
Shoulder and Knee Conditins plus Rehab (Webinar) - C27916 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 6/7/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2022 |
A Closer Look at Comorbidities(1hr) Webinar - C80137 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 5/18/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2022 |
Ethical Investigations Webinar - C23423 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 5/11/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2022 |
Successful Negotiation & Settlement of Claims - C06343 | Property and Casualty | RegEd, Inc. | 5/11/2022 | Correspondence | 2 | 7/31/2022 |
Finger Amputations:Functional Impact&Solutions-Cla - C23456 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 4/27/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2022 |
Claims Operations - Review, Reserves & Adjusting - C96983 | Property and Casualty | RegEd, Inc. | 4/22/2022 | Correspondence | 3 | 7/31/2022 |
Shepherd and Friends Seminar Three (Webinar) - C14188 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/17/2021 | Classroom | 3 | 7/31/2022 |
Shepherd & Friends Education Seminar Two - C15162 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/12/2021 | Classroom | 2 | 7/31/2022 |
Ethical Standards in Private Investigations - C15065 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/12/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2022 |
Shepherd & Friends Education Seminar One Webinar - C14161 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/10/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2022 |
Lifetime Costs of Prosthetics - C24678 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/10/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2022 |
Ethics Unleashed (Webinar) - C13921 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/10/2021 | Classroom | 3 | 7/31/2022 |
Pactical Tips for Adjusting KY Workers'' Comp Claim - C45748 | General Insurance Principles | Pohl & Aubrey PSC | 7/22/2021 | Classroom | 2 | 7/31/2022 |
How To Ethically Control Costs in KY Workers''s... - C94824 | Ethics | Pohl & Aubrey PSC | 6/29/2021 | Classroom | 2 | 7/31/2022 |
Concussion and Mild TBI: Early Intervention to Ach - C24111 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 12/10/2020 | Classroom | 1 | 7/31/2022 |