Agent Licensing - Continuing Education Information
NameAnderson, Jennifer LynnDOIID372585NAIC NPN7201300
If a course you have completed is not listed below, please contact your CE Provider to validate that you have completed it properly, and it has been sent to the Kentucky Department of Insurance (DOI). All CE Courses received by DOI are posted on the web site within (3) working days. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MONITOR AND VERIFY ALL CE COURSES HAVE BEEN PROPERLY FILED WITH DOI. Failure to do so may result in license expiration.

  • IF YOU ARE NEWLY LICENSED, compliance period begins after you are licensed for one full year, then you are subject to renewal based on your birth month and birth year. Example: John Doe – DOB is 4/12/1960, Licensed on 4/30/2017. Licensed from April 2017 to April 2018, birth month is April, and birth year is even-numbered year. Therefore, first license renewal (and CE) is due on 4/30/2018. Then compliance period will be due 4/30 of every even-numbered year.
  • Each compliance period, you must complete –
    • Minimum of 24 hours total continuing education credit, up to twelve (12) excess hours will be carried over to the next compliance period as 'general' hours.
    • Three (3) of those hours in course concentration of 'Ethics' for Agents, Independent Adjusters, and Public Adjusters,
  • There is no longer a 'classroom' requirement, so your courses may be completed by self-study, correspondence, or classroom.
  • REMINDER - Continuing Education is only HALF of your License Renewal Requirement – be sure to complete the license renewal through eServices by answering three (3) background questions, reporting any applicable background issues to DOI, and pay any applicable fees.
  • Agents - License renewal fees are only charged when you have no active insurer appointments. You must be appointed in Kentucky to sell, solicit and negotiate insurance for each insurer. If renewed within the 60-days following the renewal date, a penalty fee of $40 is applied for resident agents, or $50 for non-resident agents.
  • Adjusters’ license renewal fee is $50. If paid within the 60-days following the renewal date, a penalty fee of $50 is applied.
Independent Adjuster CE Compliance Date: 7/31/2026
CE Compliance DateEthics HoursEthics CompleteLOA HoursLOA CompleteClass CarryoverClass Hours BienniumClass CompleteCorr. CarryoverCorr HoursTotal Carryover hoursTotal CE HoursCompliant
Course #Course ConcentrationKY Provider NameCompletion DateMethod of InstructionCredit HoursCompliance Date
Shoulder and Knee Conditins plus Rehab (Webinar) - C27916CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.3/6/2025Classroom17/31/2026
Taking The Noise Out Of Hearing Loss Claims - C26919CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.1/21/2025Classroom17/31/2026
Symptom Magnification and Malingering - C45410CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.10/29/2024Classroom17/31/2026
Wound Healing for the Injured Worker - C10667CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/15/2024Classroom17/31/2026
Managing the Dental Claim Game - C19652Property and CasualtyScully Health Management6/5/2024Classroom17/31/2024
Clinical Management of PT in Work Comp - C24236CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.5/28/2024Classroom17/31/2024
Impairment in the Workplace -Classroom - C26901CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.5/8/2024Classroom17/31/2024
Lifetime Costs of Prosthetics - C24678CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.3/26/2024Classroom17/31/2024
The Black Hole-Post Acute Care - C93586CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.2/27/2024Classroom17/31/2024
EMG & NCS in Worker''s Compensation - C10411General Insurance PrinciplesOne Call Care Management, Inc.1/23/2024Classroom17/31/2024
RealitiesOfThePost-SettlementExperience:TheEssen-W - C26229General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc11/14/2023Classroom17/31/2024
FunctionalCapacityEvaluationOverview&ImportanceWEB - C25713General Insurance PrinciplesScully Health Management9/28/2023Classroom17/31/2024
Physical Therapy vs Opioids: Conquer Chronic Pain - C23757CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.9/27/2023Classroom17/31/2024
Prosthetics:Getting the Most for maximizing func. - C94039CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.9/12/2023Classroom17/31/2024
Rethinking the Pain (Webinar) - C27918CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/1/2023Classroom17/31/2024
BACK INJURIES FROM SPRAIN TO FUSION - C61191CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.7/11/2023Classroom17/31/2024
UnderstandingEthical&Moral Difficulties in WCClaim - C15543EthicsOne Call Care Management, Inc.6/7/2023Classroom17/31/2024
UnderstandingEthical&MoralDifficultiesinWCClaimsWE - C15513General Insurance PrinciplesOne Call Care Management, Inc.6/7/2023Classroom17/31/2024
Kentucky Wrkrs Comp Law and Ethics Update 1 HrWeb - C25552General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc5/11/2023Classroom17/31/2024
AdvancingTheCareOfPatientsWithDisordersOfConscio-W - C25045General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc2/21/2023Classroom17/31/2024
Ocular Trauma (Webinar) - C80518General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc1/9/2023Classroom17/31/2024
25ImportantPointsIn60Mins.ToHelpYouManageYourCla-W - C24906General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc12/7/2022Classroom17/31/2024
Complex Wound Closure Procedure Webinar - C80711CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.11/1/2022Classroom17/31/2024
Dental Trama & Facial Injuries Webinar - C18742CasualtyScully Health Management11/1/2022Classroom17/31/2024
NewOrPre-ExistingInjury?GainInsightWithAnAgeOfInju - C24557CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.10/27/2022Classroom17/31/2024
UsingGraceToDealWithStress&TraumaInClaims&InLife-W - C80645General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc10/26/2022Classroom17/31/2024
Ethics In Wrk''sComp.Mental Health Evaluation&Treat - C24652EthicsOne Call Care Management, Inc.10/19/2022Classroom37/31/2024
The Types,Treatments,and Care of Burns -Webinar - C24120General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc8/24/2022Classroom17/31/2024
InjuredToEnlightened:InsideA WrkCompPro''sPerson-Cl - C24122CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/10/2022Classroom17/31/2024
PT 101:General PT Overview-(1hr) Webinar - C80328General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc6/15/2022Classroom17/31/2022
Traumatic Brain Injuries&the Post Concussive Syndr - C80158General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc6/8/2022Classroom17/31/2022
Shoulder and Knee Conditins plus Rehab (Webinar) - C27916CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.6/7/2022Classroom17/31/2022
A Closer Look at Comorbidities(1hr) Webinar - C80137General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc5/18/2022Classroom17/31/2022
Ethical Investigations Webinar - C23423EthicsOne Call Care Management, Inc.5/11/2022Classroom17/31/2022
Successful Negotiation & Settlement of Claims - C06343Property and CasualtyRegEd, Inc.5/11/2022Correspondence27/31/2022
Finger Amputations:Functional Impact&Solutions-Cla - C23456CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.4/27/2022Classroom17/31/2022
Claims Operations - Review, Reserves & Adjusting - C96983Property and CasualtyRegEd, Inc.4/22/2022Correspondence37/31/2022
Shepherd and Friends Seminar Three (Webinar) - C14188CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/17/2021Classroom37/31/2022
Shepherd & Friends Education Seminar Two - C15162CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/12/2021Classroom27/31/2022
Ethical Standards in Private Investigations - C15065EthicsOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/12/2021Classroom17/31/2022
Shepherd & Friends Education Seminar One Webinar - C14161CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/10/2021Classroom17/31/2022
Lifetime Costs of Prosthetics - C24678CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/10/2021Classroom17/31/2022
Ethics Unleashed (Webinar) - C13921EthicsOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/10/2021Classroom37/31/2022
Pactical Tips for Adjusting KY Workers'' Comp Claim - C45748General Insurance PrinciplesPohl & Aubrey PSC7/22/2021Classroom27/31/2022
How To Ethically Control Costs in KY Workers''s... - C94824EthicsPohl & Aubrey PSC6/29/2021Classroom27/31/2022
Concussion and Mild TBI: Early Intervention to Ach - C24111General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc12/10/2020Classroom17/31/2022

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