Course # | Course Concentration | KY Provider Name | Completion Date | Method of Instruction | Credit Hours | Compliance Date |
CISR Commercial Casualty II-BAP,WC Excess(Webinar) - C22803 | Property and Casualty | National Alliance, The | 3/11/2025 | Classroom | 7 | 6/30/2025 |
Crime Insurance - C99527 | Property and Casualty | National Underwriter Company, The | 2/12/2025 | Classroom | 1 | 6/30/2025 |
Fiduciary Liability I - C55883 | Life and Health | National Underwriter Company, The | 2/12/2025 | Classroom | 1 | 6/30/2025 |
Ethics In The 21st Century:What''s Change?-Web - C26725 | Ethics | Cincinnati Insurance Board | 4/9/2024 | Classroom | 3 | 6/30/2025 |
Employment Practices Liability 2Hr-Classroom - C26530 | Property and Casualty | National Underwriter Company, The | 3/13/2024 | Classroom | 2 | 6/30/2025 |
UM/UIM Coverage Issues - C15302 | Property and Casualty | Cincinnati Insurance Board | 2/13/2024 | Classroom | 3 | 6/30/2025 |
No Fault Uncovered - C14868 | Property and Casualty | Cincinnati Insurance Board | 2/13/2024 | Classroom | 3 | 6/30/2025 |
CISR Commercial Casualty II-BAP,WC Excess(Webinar) - C22803 | Property and Casualty | National Alliance, The | 5/9/2023 | Classroom | 7 | 6/30/2023 |
ETHICS : Shades Of Gray - Virtual Class - C23413 | Ethics | Cincinnati Insurance Board | 4/6/2023 | Classroom | 3 | 6/30/2023 |
Garagekeepers Liability Policy (Classroom) - C24738 | Property and Casualty | Cincinnati Insurance Board | 4/6/2023 | Classroom | 3 | 6/30/2023 |
Ethics: Dealing with the Fallout - C94779 | Ethics | Cincinnati Insurance Board | 5/17/2022 | Classroom | 3 | 6/30/2023 |
CISR - Elements of Risk Management (ELR) - C20360 | General Insurance Principles | National Alliance, The | 3/2/2022 | Classroom | 7 | 6/30/2023 |
Subrogation & Other Insurance Concepts-Virtual - C10061 | Property and Casualty | Cincinnati Insurance Board | 3/3/2021 | Classroom | 3 | 6/30/2021 |
Senior Health Ins-The Good The Bad and The Ugly - C28693 | Health | Cincinnati Insurance Board | 2/18/2021 | Classroom | 3 | 6/30/2021 |
Life Ins - Matching Policy to the Client (Webinar) - C28012 | Life | Cincinnati Insurance Board | 2/2/2021 | Classroom | 3 | 6/30/2021 |
Cyber Risk Virtual Class - C24836 | General Insurance Principles | Cincinnati Insurance Board | 1/26/2021 | Classroom | 3 | 6/30/2021 |
Evaluating the Risk:Helping The Client - C24737 | Property and Casualty | Cincinnati Insurance Board | 12/8/2020 | Classroom | 3 | 6/30/2021 |
What''s Up with Drones - VIrtual Class - C23415 | Property and Casualty | Cincinnati Insurance Board | 8/25/2020 | Classroom | 3 | 6/30/2021 |
Ethics Yesterday,Today & Tomorrow-Virtual Class - C22736 | Ethics | Cincinnati Insurance Board | 5/21/2020 | Classroom | 3 | 6/30/2021 |
Elements of Risk Management - C97359 | Property and Casualty | National Alliance, The | 4/15/2020 | Correspondence | 8 | 6/30/2021 |