Course # | Course Concentration | KY Provider Name | Completion Date | Method of Instruction | Credit Hours | Compliance Date |
Agency Coverage Standards - C12508 | General Insurance Principles | National Alliance, The | 10/24/2024 | Classroom | 4 | 8/31/2026 |
MISERY AWAITS! ADDITIONAL INSUREDS AND COI (CLASSROOM) - C100061 | Property and Casualty | National Alliance, The | 10/24/2024 | Classroom | 4 | 8/31/2026 |
Projecting Ethics Into a Competitive Advantage C/W - C11400 | Ethics | National Alliance, The | 10/23/2024 | Classroom | 4 | 8/31/2026 |
Understanding Occurrence/Claims-Made Triggers(Clas - C25764 | General Insurance Principles | National Alliance, The | 10/23/2024 | Classroom | 4 | 8/31/2026 |
Ethics and the Trust Factor - C24146 | Ethics | WebCE, Inc | 8/23/2024 | Correspondence | 3 | 8/31/2024 |
The Exposures of E-Business&Ins.Solutions(Class) - C17180 | General Insurance Principles | National Alliance, The | 5/3/2023 | Classroom | 4 | 8/31/2024 |
Current Events & Impact on Insurance(Classroom) - C17184 | General Insurance Principles | National Alliance, The | 5/3/2023 | Classroom | 4 | 8/31/2024 |
Anatomy of a Construction Injury Claim - C24241 | General Insurance Principles | National Alliance, The | 5/2/2023 | Classroom | 4 | 8/31/2024 |
Had I Been On That Jury:PL/CL (Classroom) - C28287 | General Insurance Principles | National Alliance, The | 5/2/2023 | Classroom | 4 | 8/31/2024 |
Common CL Gaps that Cause Problems -Classroom - C13219 | General Insurance Principles | National Alliance, The | 5/4/2022 | Classroom | 4 | 8/31/2022 |
Ethical Principles-Everything Has Changed(Class) - C21970 | Ethics | National Alliance, The | 5/4/2022 | Classroom | 4 | 8/31/2022 |
Is Your Insured Driving a State-of-the-Art EPL-Cla - C17435 | General Insurance Principles | National Alliance, The | 5/3/2022 | Classroom | 4 | 8/31/2022 |
Beyond the Cyber Policy - C24008 | General Insurance Principles | National Alliance, The | 5/3/2022 | Classroom | 4 | 8/31/2022 |
What You Auto Know About BAP(Webinar) - C15649 | General Insurance Principles | National Alliance, The | 11/19/2021 | Classroom | 4 | 8/31/2022 |
CP Key Items to Understand - C13270 | General Insurance Principles | National Alliance, The | 11/19/2021 | Classroom | 4 | 8/31/2022 |
CGL & The Contractor: Traps & Tricks (Webinar) - C24641 | General Insurance Principles | National Alliance, The | 11/19/2021 | Classroom | 4 | 8/31/2022 |
PL Issues We Need to Understand- Webinar - C13004 | General Insurance Principles | National Alliance, The | 11/19/2021 | Classroom | 4 | 8/31/2022 |