Agent Licensing - Continuing Education Information
NameBlanton, Mary PatriciaDOIID582725NAIC NPN7970855
If a course you have completed is not listed below, please contact your CE Provider to validate that you have completed it properly, and it has been sent to the Kentucky Department of Insurance (DOI). All CE Courses received by DOI are posted on the web site within (3) working days. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MONITOR AND VERIFY ALL CE COURSES HAVE BEEN PROPERLY FILED WITH DOI. Failure to do so may result in license expiration.

  • IF YOU ARE NEWLY LICENSED, compliance period begins after you are licensed for one full year, then you are subject to renewal based on your birth month and birth year. Example: John Doe – DOB is 4/12/1960, Licensed on 4/30/2017. Licensed from April 2017 to April 2018, birth month is April, and birth year is even-numbered year. Therefore, first license renewal (and CE) is due on 4/30/2018. Then compliance period will be due 4/30 of every even-numbered year.
  • Each compliance period, you must complete –
    • Minimum of 24 hours total continuing education credit, up to twelve (12) excess hours will be carried over to the next compliance period as 'general' hours.
    • Three (3) of those hours in course concentration of 'Ethics' for Agents, Independent Adjusters, and Public Adjusters,
  • There is no longer a 'classroom' requirement, so your courses may be completed by self-study, correspondence, or classroom.
  • REMINDER - Continuing Education is only HALF of your License Renewal Requirement – be sure to complete the license renewal through eServices by answering three (3) background questions, reporting any applicable background issues to DOI, and pay any applicable fees.
  • Agents - License renewal fees are only charged when you have no active insurer appointments. You must be appointed in Kentucky to sell, solicit and negotiate insurance for each insurer. If renewed within the 60-days following the renewal date, a penalty fee of $40 is applied for resident agents, or $50 for non-resident agents.
  • Adjusters’ license renewal fee is $50. If paid within the 60-days following the renewal date, a penalty fee of $50 is applied.
Independent Adjuster CE Compliance Date: 9/30/2025
CE Compliance DateEthics HoursEthics CompleteLOA HoursLOA CompleteClass CarryoverClass Hours BienniumClass CompleteCorr. CarryoverCorr HoursTotal Carryover hoursTotal CE HoursCompliant
Course #Course ConcentrationKY Provider NameCompletion DateMethod of InstructionCredit HoursCompliance Date
2024 KWCEA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - DAY 2 ETHICS - C100470EthicsFerreri Partners, PLLC12/13/2024Classroom19/30/2025
2024 KWCEA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - DAY 1 ETHICS - C100469EthicsFerreri Partners, PLLC12/12/2024Classroom19/30/2025
2024 KWCEA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - DAY 1 - C100468ClaimsFerreri Partners, PLLC12/12/2024Classroom69/30/2025
2024 KWCEA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - DAY 2 - C100516ClaimsFerreri Partners, PLLC12/12/2024Classroom39/30/2025
MANAGE CHRONIC PAIN: BEFORE DURING AND AFTER A WORKPLACE INJURY CLAIM WEBINAR - C100280Property and CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.10/30/2024Classroom19/30/2025
A Claimant''s Right to Privacy Webinar - C80488General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc10/23/2024Classroom19/30/2025
ThePsychologyBehindFraudforClaimsManagementWebinar - C80490General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc9/25/2024Classroom19/30/2025
ETHICS: HOW PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES CAN SHAPE ETHICAL DECISIONS (1HR) - C100161EthicsCEU Institute, Inc9/19/2024Classroom19/30/2025
BEAT THE HEAT WEBINAR - C100005CasualtyScully Health Management8/29/2024Classroom19/30/2025
HOT TOPICS WORKERS COMPENSATION EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR - C100006CasualtyScully Health Management8/23/2024Classroom39/30/2025
HOT TOPICS WORKERS COMPENSATION EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR ETHICS - C100007EthicsScully Health Management8/23/2024Classroom29/30/2025
Natural Disaster Fraud -Webinar - C24170General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc8/21/2024Classroom19/30/2025
The Use of Insurance Investigations Webinar - C80505General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc7/24/2024Classroom19/30/2025
Taking The Noise Out Of Hearing Loss Claims - C26919CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.6/26/2024Classroom19/30/2025
Trauma, PTSD and Resillience (1hr) Webinar - C26889General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc5/9/2024Classroom19/30/2025
Impairment in the Workplace -Classroom - C26901CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.5/8/2024Classroom19/30/2025
Medical Case ManagementTheValueofFocusedCare 1Web - C25274General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc4/10/2024Classroom19/30/2025
LumbarSpineBasics:Non-Radicular&RadicularPain1hr-W - C26558General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc3/21/2024Classroom19/30/2025
Trauma and Pain(1hr)-Webinar - C26532General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc3/15/2024Classroom19/30/2025
TheOSINTAdvantage:UncoveringFraudWithOpen-Source-W - C26233General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc11/15/2023Classroom19/30/2025
RealitiesOfThePost-SettlementExperience:TheEssen-W - C26229General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc11/14/2023Classroom19/30/2025
StrategiesForEffectiveReturnToWorkAfterCervical-We - C26076General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc9/28/2023Classroom19/30/2023
Physical Therapy vs Opioids: Conquer Chronic Pain - C23757CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.9/27/2023Classroom19/30/2023
MasteringMedicareSecondaryPayer101:An MSP Primer-W - C26011General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc9/26/2023Classroom19/30/2023
Medical Canvassing(1hr)-Webinar - C25926General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc8/30/2023Classroom19/30/2023
Ethics Unleashed (Webinar) - C13921EthicsOne Call Care Management, Inc.7/18/2023Classroom39/30/2023
Audiology,Hearing Aids,&Workers Compensation-Webin - C25717General Insurance PrinciplesScully Health Management7/17/2023Classroom19/30/2023
MaximizeSettlementSuccess:BestPraticesForConfid-We - C25771General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc7/11/2023Classroom19/30/2023
CommonPsychiatricDiagnosisInWorkersCompensation-Cl - C25720CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.6/29/2023Classroom19/30/2023
PainManagement:PharmacologicAlternativesToOpioid-W - C25705General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc6/22/2023Classroom19/30/2023
UnderstandingEthical&MoralDifficultiesinWCClaimsWE - C15513General Insurance PrinciplesOne Call Care Management, Inc.6/7/2023Classroom19/30/2023
UnderstandingEthical&Moral Difficulties in WCClaim - C15543EthicsOne Call Care Management, Inc.6/7/2023Classroom19/30/2023
ComplexClaimInTheRealWorld:HowOneWorkerWentFrom-Cl - C25323CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.4/18/2023Classroom19/30/2023
Indentifying Burnout Webinar - C25462General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc4/13/2023Classroom19/30/2023
Medical Case ManagementTheValueofFocusedCare 1Web - C25274General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc3/29/2023Classroom19/30/2023
Lower Extremity Injuries&Treatments-Webinar - C25528General Insurance PrinciplesScully Health Management3/23/2023Classroom19/30/2023
Understanding Dental Claims - C98220General Insurance PrinciplesOne Call Care Management, Inc.3/22/2023Classroom19/30/2023
IME Best Practices(1hr)Webinar - C25178General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc2/23/2023Classroom19/30/2023
Manage Pandora''s Box Of Comorbid Conditions - C94038CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.2/22/2023Classroom19/30/2023
KWCEA Annual Conference 2022-Ethics Classroom - C24933EthicsFerreri Partners, PLLC12/16/2022Classroom29/30/2023
KWCEA Annual Conference 2022-Classroom - C24932General Insurance PrinciplesFerreri Partners, PLLC12/15/2022Classroom99/30/2023
TheUpwardSpiralPartIII:TheMind&theBrain(1hr)Webina - C80141General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc12/8/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Rehabilitation of the Injured Worked(1hr)-Webinar - C24912General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc12/7/2022Classroom19/30/2023
25ImportantPointsIn60Mins.ToHelpYouManageYourCla-W - C24906General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc12/7/2022Classroom19/30/2023
MSP ComplianceLegislativeRegulatory&AdminUpdate-We - C24863General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc11/16/2022Classroom19/30/2023
The Upward Spiral PartII:The Body&the Brain-1hrWeb - C23804General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc11/10/2022Classroom19/30/2023
SpecialtyIsTheNewAncillary:AllYouNeedToKnowAbout-W - C80687General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc11/10/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Sprains&strains:ACloserLookatMuscuosketal&Rep Web - C80689General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc11/9/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Complex Wound Closure Procedure Webinar - C80711CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.11/1/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Ethics in Claims and Medical Case Management Web - C80604EthicsCEU Institute, Inc10/27/2022Classroom19/30/2023
UsingGraceToDealWithStress&TraumaInClaims&InLife-W - C80645General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc10/26/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Ethics In Wrk''sComp.Mental Health Evaluation&Treat - C24652EthicsOne Call Care Management, Inc.10/19/2022Classroom39/30/2023
TheUpwardSpiralPart1:UsingNeurosciencetoEnhanceWEB - C80143General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc10/13/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Clinical Management of PT in Work Comp - C24236CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.9/28/2022Classroom19/30/2023
CBCT Technology (Webinar) - C19968General Insurance PrinciplesScully Health Management9/16/2022Classroom19/30/2023
The Types,Treatments,and Care of Burns -Webinar - C24120General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc8/24/2022Classroom19/30/2023
InjuredToEnlightened:InsideA WrkCompPro''sPerson-Cl - C24122CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/10/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Medical Marijuana & Workers Compensation(Webinar) - C80196General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc7/21/2022Classroom19/30/2023
They''re Only Human:Basic Anatomy for the Claims-We - C80192General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc7/20/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Managing Long-Term Claims (Webinar) - C80401General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc7/20/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Knee&Shoulder Injuries:Treatment Options-1hr-Web - C80172General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc6/23/2022Classroom19/30/2023
DENTAL INJURIES PRE-EXISTING VS EXISTING WEBINAR - C18777CasualtyScully Health Management6/21/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Traumatic Brain Injuries&the Post Concussive Syndr - C80158General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc6/8/2022Classroom19/30/2023
The Psychology of an Injury Webinar - C80128General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc5/18/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Ethical Investigations Webinar - C23423EthicsOne Call Care Management, Inc.5/11/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Common Foot and Ankle Injuries in the WorkplaceWEB - C23679General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc4/21/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Back and Neck Injuries:Treatment Options(1hr) Web - C22762General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc3/24/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Fraud&Abuse in Claims Management (1hr)Webinar - C22954EthicsCEU Institute, Inc3/23/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Tooth Replacement After Injury-Webinar - C12534General Insurance PrinciplesScully Health Management2/22/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Management of Spinal Cord Injuries (1hr) (Webinar) - C20833General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc2/9/2022Classroom19/30/2023
Medical Documentation (1hr) - C12968General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc1/19/2022Classroom19/30/2023
EVERYDAY ETHICS - C93320EthicsAssociated Healthcare Advisors dba Topcat11/10/2021Classroom19/30/2023
Psychosocial Barrier for Returning to Work - C19141General Insurance PrinciplesScully Health Management10/19/2021Classroom19/30/2023
Prescription Medication and the Negative Effects.. - C10306CasualtyScully Health Management10/14/2021Classroom19/30/2023
Knee Injuries:Trends and Advances (Classroom) - C17614General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc9/23/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Innovations and Trends in Behavioral Health(Class) - C17592General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc9/22/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Shepherd & Friends Education Seminar Four-Classroo - C15071CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/19/2021Classroom29/30/2021
UnderstandingEthical&Moral Difficulties in WCClaim - C15543EthicsOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/19/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Shepherd and Friends Seminar Three (Webinar) - C14188CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/17/2021Classroom39/30/2021
Ethical Standards in Private Investigations - C15065EthicsOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/12/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Shepherd & Friends Education Seminar Two - C15162CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/12/2021Classroom29/30/2021
Shepherd & Friends Education Seminar One Webinar - C14161CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/10/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Lifetime Costs of Prosthetics - C24678CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/10/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Ethics Unleashed (Webinar) - C13921EthicsOne Call Care Management, Inc.8/10/2021Classroom39/30/2021
Home and Vehicle Modifications - C15206General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc8/4/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Ethics for Adjusters (1hr) - C13825EthicsCEU Institute, Inc7/22/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Meical Marijuana Update - C14201General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc7/21/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Shoulder Injuries:Surgical Advances & Treatment1hr - C13320General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc6/24/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Centers for Medicare&Medicaid(CMS)Rules Update(1hr - C12973General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc6/23/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Tooth Replacement After Injury-Webinar - C12534General Insurance PrinciplesScully Health Management5/20/2021Classroom19/30/2021
The Psychology of An Injury Webinar - C11487HealthAssociated Healthcare Advisors dba Topcat5/18/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Treatments for Headache and Migraines (1Hr) - C12022General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc5/12/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Back and Neck Injuries: Latest Advances 1Hr - C10808General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc4/22/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Discharge Planning from Acute Care 1Hour - C10171General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc4/7/2021Classroom19/30/2021
2020 Pharmacy Trends in Workers Compensation 1Hr - C10798General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc3/31/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Ethical Claims Management (1) - C28779EthicsCEU Institute, Inc3/25/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Medical Fraud and Abuse (1hr) - C27603EthicsCEU Institute, Inc2/10/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Understanding Ethical Standards in Investigations - C23638EthicsOne Call Care Management, Inc.2/9/2021Classroom19/30/2021
neuropsychology in the Rehabilitation Setting - C23642CasualtyOne Call Care Management, Inc.2/9/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Look for a Broken Spirit Not Just a Broken BoneWEb - C27519General Insurance PrinciplesScully Health Management2/3/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Pain Management Through Technology (1hr) - C23217General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc1/12/2021Classroom19/30/2021
Non-Pharma Options for Treating Pain (1hr) - C23508General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc11/17/2020Classroom19/30/2021
Psychological Components of Pain(1HR) - C23350General Insurance PrinciplesCEU Institute, Inc11/3/2020Classroom19/30/2021
Ethics Fraud & Abuse in Claims Management (1hour) - C23746EthicsCEU Institute, Inc9/24/2020Classroom19/30/2021
Managing the Complex Injured Worker - C23322CasualtyAssociated Healthcare Advisors dba Topcat6/30/2020Classroom19/30/2021
Prescription Medication and the Negative Effects.. - C10306CasualtyScully Health Management2/3/2020Classroom19/30/2021
KWCEA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2019 - C21137CasualtyOccupational Managed Care Alliance12/13/2019Classroom99/30/2021
KWCEA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 20109-ETHICS - C21138EthicsOccupational Managed Care Alliance12/13/2019Classroom29/30/2021
Medical Marijuana: Understanding Impact - C21207CasualtyKentucky Orthopedic Rehabilitation, LLC11/19/2019Classroom19/30/2021
The Basics of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) We - C21105Property and CasualtyScully Health Management10/21/2019Classroom19/30/2021
Cost Drivers & Complex Claims (1hr) - C20127Property and CasualtyCEU Institute, Inc10/10/2019Classroom19/30/2021

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