Course # | Course Concentration | KY Provider Name | Completion Date | Method of Instruction | Credit Hours | Compliance Date |
2024 KWCEA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - DAY 2 ETHICS - C100470 | Ethics | Ferreri Partners, PLLC | 12/13/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
2024 KWCEA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - DAY 1 ETHICS - C100469 | Ethics | Ferreri Partners, PLLC | 12/12/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
2024 KWCEA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - DAY 1 - C100468 | Claims | Ferreri Partners, PLLC | 12/12/2024 | Classroom | 6 | 9/30/2025 |
2024 KWCEA ANNUAL CONFERENCE - DAY 2 - C100516 | Claims | Ferreri Partners, PLLC | 12/12/2024 | Classroom | 3 | 9/30/2025 |
MANAGE CHRONIC PAIN: BEFORE DURING AND AFTER A WORKPLACE INJURY CLAIM WEBINAR - C100280 | Property and Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 10/30/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
A Claimant''s Right to Privacy Webinar - C80488 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 10/23/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
ThePsychologyBehindFraudforClaimsManagementWebinar - C80490 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 9/25/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
ETHICS: HOW PERSONAL PERSPECTIVES CAN SHAPE ETHICAL DECISIONS (1HR) - C100161 | Ethics | CEU Institute, Inc | 9/19/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
BEAT THE HEAT WEBINAR - C100005 | Casualty | Scully Health Management | 8/29/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
HOT TOPICS WORKERS COMPENSATION EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR - C100006 | Casualty | Scully Health Management | 8/23/2024 | Classroom | 3 | 9/30/2025 |
HOT TOPICS WORKERS COMPENSATION EDUCATIONAL SEMINAR ETHICS - C100007 | Ethics | Scully Health Management | 8/23/2024 | Classroom | 2 | 9/30/2025 |
Natural Disaster Fraud -Webinar - C24170 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 8/21/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
The Use of Insurance Investigations Webinar - C80505 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 7/24/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
Taking The Noise Out Of Hearing Loss Claims - C26919 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 6/26/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
Trauma, PTSD and Resillience (1hr) Webinar - C26889 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 5/9/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
Impairment in the Workplace -Classroom - C26901 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 5/8/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
Medical Case ManagementTheValueofFocusedCare 1Web - C25274 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 4/10/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
LumbarSpineBasics:Non-Radicular&RadicularPain1hr-W - C26558 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 3/21/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
Trauma and Pain(1hr)-Webinar - C26532 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 3/15/2024 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
TheOSINTAdvantage:UncoveringFraudWithOpen-Source-W - C26233 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 11/15/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
RealitiesOfThePost-SettlementExperience:TheEssen-W - C26229 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 11/14/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2025 |
StrategiesForEffectiveReturnToWorkAfterCervical-We - C26076 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 9/28/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Physical Therapy vs Opioids: Conquer Chronic Pain - C23757 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 9/27/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
MasteringMedicareSecondaryPayer101:An MSP Primer-W - C26011 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 9/26/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Medical Canvassing(1hr)-Webinar - C25926 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 8/30/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Ethics Unleashed (Webinar) - C13921 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 7/18/2023 | Classroom | 3 | 9/30/2023 |
Audiology,Hearing Aids,&Workers Compensation-Webin - C25717 | General Insurance Principles | Scully Health Management | 7/17/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
MaximizeSettlementSuccess:BestPraticesForConfid-We - C25771 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 7/11/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
CommonPsychiatricDiagnosisInWorkersCompensation-Cl - C25720 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 6/29/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
PainManagement:PharmacologicAlternativesToOpioid-W - C25705 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 6/22/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
UnderstandingEthical&MoralDifficultiesinWCClaimsWE - C15513 | General Insurance Principles | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 6/7/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
UnderstandingEthical&Moral Difficulties in WCClaim - C15543 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 6/7/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
ComplexClaimInTheRealWorld:HowOneWorkerWentFrom-Cl - C25323 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 4/18/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Indentifying Burnout Webinar - C25462 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 4/13/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Medical Case ManagementTheValueofFocusedCare 1Web - C25274 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 3/29/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Lower Extremity Injuries&Treatments-Webinar - C25528 | General Insurance Principles | Scully Health Management | 3/23/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Understanding Dental Claims - C98220 | General Insurance Principles | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 3/22/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
IME Best Practices(1hr)Webinar - C25178 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 2/23/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Manage Pandora''s Box Of Comorbid Conditions - C94038 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 2/22/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
KWCEA Annual Conference 2022-Ethics Classroom - C24933 | Ethics | Ferreri Partners, PLLC | 12/16/2022 | Classroom | 2 | 9/30/2023 |
KWCEA Annual Conference 2022-Classroom - C24932 | General Insurance Principles | Ferreri Partners, PLLC | 12/15/2022 | Classroom | 9 | 9/30/2023 |
TheUpwardSpiralPartIII:TheMind&theBrain(1hr)Webina - C80141 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 12/8/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Rehabilitation of the Injured Worked(1hr)-Webinar - C24912 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 12/7/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
25ImportantPointsIn60Mins.ToHelpYouManageYourCla-W - C24906 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 12/7/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
MSP ComplianceLegislativeRegulatory&AdminUpdate-We - C24863 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 11/16/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
The Upward Spiral PartII:The Body&the Brain-1hrWeb - C23804 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 11/10/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
SpecialtyIsTheNewAncillary:AllYouNeedToKnowAbout-W - C80687 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 11/10/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Sprains&strains:ACloserLookatMuscuosketal&Rep Web - C80689 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 11/9/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Complex Wound Closure Procedure Webinar - C80711 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 11/1/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Ethics in Claims and Medical Case Management Web - C80604 | Ethics | CEU Institute, Inc | 10/27/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
UsingGraceToDealWithStress&TraumaInClaims&InLife-W - C80645 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 10/26/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Ethics In Wrk''sComp.Mental Health Evaluation&Treat - C24652 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 10/19/2022 | Classroom | 3 | 9/30/2023 |
TheUpwardSpiralPart1:UsingNeurosciencetoEnhanceWEB - C80143 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 10/13/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Clinical Management of PT in Work Comp - C24236 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 9/28/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
CBCT Technology (Webinar) - C19968 | General Insurance Principles | Scully Health Management | 9/16/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
The Types,Treatments,and Care of Burns -Webinar - C24120 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 8/24/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
InjuredToEnlightened:InsideA WrkCompPro''sPerson-Cl - C24122 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/10/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Medical Marijuana & Workers Compensation(Webinar) - C80196 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 7/21/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
They''re Only Human:Basic Anatomy for the Claims-We - C80192 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 7/20/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Managing Long-Term Claims (Webinar) - C80401 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 7/20/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Knee&Shoulder Injuries:Treatment Options-1hr-Web - C80172 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 6/23/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
DENTAL INJURIES PRE-EXISTING VS EXISTING WEBINAR - C18777 | Casualty | Scully Health Management | 6/21/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Traumatic Brain Injuries&the Post Concussive Syndr - C80158 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 6/8/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
The Psychology of an Injury Webinar - C80128 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 5/18/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Ethical Investigations Webinar - C23423 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 5/11/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Common Foot and Ankle Injuries in the WorkplaceWEB - C23679 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 4/21/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Back and Neck Injuries:Treatment Options(1hr) Web - C22762 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 3/24/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Fraud&Abuse in Claims Management (1hr)Webinar - C22954 | Ethics | CEU Institute, Inc | 3/23/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Tooth Replacement After Injury-Webinar - C12534 | General Insurance Principles | Scully Health Management | 2/22/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Management of Spinal Cord Injuries (1hr) (Webinar) - C20833 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 2/9/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Medical Documentation (1hr) - C12968 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 1/19/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
EVERYDAY ETHICS - C93320 | Ethics | Associated Healthcare Advisors dba Topcat | 11/10/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Psychosocial Barrier for Returning to Work - C19141 | General Insurance Principles | Scully Health Management | 10/19/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Prescription Medication and the Negative Effects.. - C10306 | Casualty | Scully Health Management | 10/14/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2023 |
Knee Injuries:Trends and Advances (Classroom) - C17614 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 9/23/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Innovations and Trends in Behavioral Health(Class) - C17592 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 9/22/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Shepherd & Friends Education Seminar Four-Classroo - C15071 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/19/2021 | Classroom | 2 | 9/30/2021 |
UnderstandingEthical&Moral Difficulties in WCClaim - C15543 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/19/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Shepherd and Friends Seminar Three (Webinar) - C14188 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/17/2021 | Classroom | 3 | 9/30/2021 |
Ethical Standards in Private Investigations - C15065 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/12/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Shepherd & Friends Education Seminar Two - C15162 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/12/2021 | Classroom | 2 | 9/30/2021 |
Shepherd & Friends Education Seminar One Webinar - C14161 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/10/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Lifetime Costs of Prosthetics - C24678 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/10/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Ethics Unleashed (Webinar) - C13921 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/10/2021 | Classroom | 3 | 9/30/2021 |
Home and Vehicle Modifications - C15206 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 8/4/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Ethics for Adjusters (1hr) - C13825 | Ethics | CEU Institute, Inc | 7/22/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Meical Marijuana Update - C14201 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 7/21/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Shoulder Injuries:Surgical Advances & Treatment1hr - C13320 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 6/24/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Centers for Medicare&Medicaid(CMS)Rules Update(1hr - C12973 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 6/23/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Tooth Replacement After Injury-Webinar - C12534 | General Insurance Principles | Scully Health Management | 5/20/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
The Psychology of An Injury Webinar - C11487 | Health | Associated Healthcare Advisors dba Topcat | 5/18/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Treatments for Headache and Migraines (1Hr) - C12022 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 5/12/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Back and Neck Injuries: Latest Advances 1Hr - C10808 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 4/22/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Discharge Planning from Acute Care 1Hour - C10171 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 4/7/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
2020 Pharmacy Trends in Workers Compensation 1Hr - C10798 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 3/31/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Ethical Claims Management (1) - C28779 | Ethics | CEU Institute, Inc | 3/25/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Medical Fraud and Abuse (1hr) - C27603 | Ethics | CEU Institute, Inc | 2/10/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Understanding Ethical Standards in Investigations - C23638 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 2/9/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
neuropsychology in the Rehabilitation Setting - C23642 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 2/9/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Look for a Broken Spirit Not Just a Broken BoneWEb - C27519 | General Insurance Principles | Scully Health Management | 2/3/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Pain Management Through Technology (1hr) - C23217 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 1/12/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Non-Pharma Options for Treating Pain (1hr) - C23508 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 11/17/2020 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Psychological Components of Pain(1HR) - C23350 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 11/3/2020 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Ethics Fraud & Abuse in Claims Management (1hour) - C23746 | Ethics | CEU Institute, Inc | 9/24/2020 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Managing the Complex Injured Worker - C23322 | Casualty | Associated Healthcare Advisors dba Topcat | 6/30/2020 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Prescription Medication and the Negative Effects.. - C10306 | Casualty | Scully Health Management | 2/3/2020 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
KWCEA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2019 - C21137 | Casualty | Occupational Managed Care Alliance | 12/13/2019 | Classroom | 9 | 9/30/2021 |
KWCEA ANNUAL CONFERENCE 20109-ETHICS - C21138 | Ethics | Occupational Managed Care Alliance | 12/13/2019 | Classroom | 2 | 9/30/2021 |
Medical Marijuana: Understanding Impact - C21207 | Casualty | Kentucky Orthopedic Rehabilitation, LLC | 11/19/2019 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
The Basics of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) We - C21105 | Property and Casualty | Scully Health Management | 10/21/2019 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |
Cost Drivers & Complex Claims (1hr) - C20127 | Property and Casualty | CEU Institute, Inc | 10/10/2019 | Classroom | 1 | 9/30/2021 |