Course # | Course Concentration | KY Provider Name | Completion Date | Method of Instruction | Credit Hours | Compliance Date |
Structured Settlements 101-Liability - C26637 | General Insurance Principles | National Structured Settlement Trade Association (NSSTA) | 3/5/2025 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2025 |
DENTAL INJURIES PRE-EXISTING VS EXISTING WEBINAR - C18777 | Casualty | Scully Health Management | 2/24/2025 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2025 |
CONCUSSIONS IN WORKERS'' COMPENSATION: YOUR BURNING QUESTIONS ANSWERED WEBINAR - C100658 | Casualty | Scully Health Management | 2/20/2025 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2025 |
OPIOID USE DISORDER & RECOVERY (1HR) - C100519 | Casualty | CEU Institute, Inc | 2/20/2025 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2025 |
Structured Settlement 101-WC Cases Webinar - C26557 | General Insurance Principles | National Structured Settlement Trade Association (NSSTA) | 2/12/2025 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2025 |
IME:Accelerating Claim Resoultion(1hr) Webinar - C25103 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 12/20/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
RealitiesOfThePost-SettlementExperience:TheEssen-W - C26229 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 11/16/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
HowAPharmacistAidsTheWorkersCompClaim:JustADayIn-W - C26297 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 11/15/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
Dental Trama & Facial Injuries Webinar - C18742 | Casualty | Scully Health Management | 11/13/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
How to Successfully Negotiate Using SS-Webinar - C80374 | General Insurance Principles | National Structured Settlement Trade Association (NSSTA) | 11/8/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
Minor Injury Management:Taking Care of What of WEB - C26039 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 9/27/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
CastastrophicClaimsSeriesPart4:Long-TermPharmacy-W - C25949 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 8/30/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
CatastrophicClaimsSeriesPart3:SettlementForCatas-W - C25762 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 7/26/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
Shoulders Injuries In The Workplace-Webinar - C25906 | General Insurance Principles | Scully Health Management | 7/19/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
Ethics Unleashed (Webinar) - C13921 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 7/18/2023 | Classroom | 3 | 12/31/2023 |
MaximizeSettlementSuccess:BestPraticesForConfid-We - C25771 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 7/13/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
CatastrophicClaimsSeriesPart2:CaringForACatastro-W - C25689 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 6/21/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
UnderstandingEthical&MoralDifficultiesinWCClaimsWE - C15513 | General Insurance Principles | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 6/7/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
UnderstandingEthical&Moral Difficulties in WCClaim - C15543 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 6/7/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
CastastrophicClaimsSeriesPart1:TheTypesofCatastr-W - C25600 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 5/24/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
DENTAL INJURIES PRE-EXISTING VS EXISTING WEBINAR - C18777 | Casualty | Scully Health Management | 5/22/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
TheImpactOfCOVID-19AddsUpAndCanChangeFocusOfCare-W - C25449 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 4/26/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
Dental Specialists:Who are they,and what they do? - C13206 | General Insurance Principles | Scully Health Management | 4/24/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
Tooth Replacement After Injury-Webinar - C12534 | General Insurance Principles | Scully Health Management | 3/6/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
Natural Disaster Fraud -Webinar - C24170 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 2/28/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
Dental Implants. What You Need to Know - C19884 | Property and Casualty | Scully Health Management | 2/6/2023 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
TheUpwardSpiralPartIII:TheMind&theBrain(1hr)Webina - C80141 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 12/8/2022 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2023 |
Prescription Medication&It Effects on Mental&Oral - C19711 | General Insurance Principles | Scully Health Management | 11/16/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2021 |
Building Pain Resilience (1hr) - C12736 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 11/9/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2021 |
The Social Components of Pain (1hr) - C24497 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 10/26/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2021 |
Non-Pharma Options for Treating Pain (1hr) - C23508 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 10/12/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2021 |
Psychological Components of Pain(1HR) - C23350 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 9/28/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2021 |
UnderstandingEthical&Moral Difficulties in WCClaim - C15543 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/19/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2021 |
Shepherd & Friends Education Seminar Four-Classroo - C15071 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/19/2021 | Classroom | 2 | 12/31/2021 |
Shepherd and Friends Seminar Three (Webinar) - C14188 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/17/2021 | Classroom | 3 | 12/31/2021 |
Ethical Standards in Private Investigations - C15065 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/12/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2021 |
Shepherd & Friends Education Seminar Two - C15162 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/12/2021 | Classroom | 2 | 12/31/2021 |
Shepherd & Friends Education Seminar One Webinar - C14161 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/10/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2021 |
Ethics Unleashed (Webinar) - C13921 | Ethics | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/10/2021 | Classroom | 3 | 12/31/2021 |
Lifetime Costs of Prosthetics - C24678 | Casualty | One Call Care Management, Inc. | 8/10/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2021 |
DENTAL INJURIES PRE-EXISTING VS EXISTING WEBINAR - C18777 | Casualty | Scully Health Management | 7/13/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2021 |
2020 Pharmacy Trends in Workers Compensation 1Hr - C10798 | General Insurance Principles | CEU Institute, Inc | 3/31/2021 | Classroom | 1 | 12/31/2021 |
Building Trust: An Insurance Ethics Workshop - C14121 | Ethics | Federal Insurance Company | 1/14/2020 | Classroom | 3 | 12/31/2021 |