Insurer Details
NAMEEastern Advantage Assurance Company
DOI ID692390
FEIN #651316719
State of DomicilePA
Domicile CountryUSA
Merged Into
NAIC #13019
NAIC Group #2698
Entity TypeInsurer
AM Best Rating
PresidentKevin Merrick Shook
Process AgentJody Kreider
Date Assigned : 11/19/2012
(See address table below for process agent address)

Authorized Insurer – these insurers are authorized to do the business of insurance by holding a Kentucky Certificate of Authority. Provides insurance coverage.
Line(s) of Authority
Workers' Compensation & Employer's Liability
Agent Licensing Address25 Race Avenue Lancaster, PA 17603
Annual Statement25 Race Avenue Lancaster, PA 17603
Catastrophe/Disaster Coordinator Address25 Race Avenue Lancaster, PA 17603
Claim Information Contact Address25 Race Avenue Lancaster, PA 17603
Company Licenses/Fee Contact Address25 Race Avenue Lancaster, PA 17603
Consumer Complaint25 Race Avenue Lancaster, PA 17603
MailingP.O. Box 83777 Lancaster, PA 176083777
P & C Form and Rate Filing25 Race Avenue Lancaster, PA 17603
Policyholder Information Contact Address25 Race Avenue Lancaster, PA 17603
Premium Tax Address100 Brookwood Place Suite 300 Birmingham, AL 35209
Process Agent25 Race Avenue Lancaster, PA 17603
Regulatory Compliance/Gvmt Relations Contact Address25 Race Avenue Lancaster, PA 17603
Statutory Home Office25 Race Avenue Lancaster, PA 17603
Policyholder Information Contact - Business / Home Office(855) 533-3444
Regulatory Compliance/Gvmt Relations Contact - Business / Home Office(717) 391-5719
Company Licenses/Fees Contact - Business / Home Office(717) 391-5719
P & C Form and Rate Filing - Business / Home Office(717) 735-1661
Catastrophe/Disaster Coordination Contact - Business / Home Office(717) 735-1662
Claim Information Contact - Business / Home Office(717) 239-1651
Consumer Complaint - Business / Home Office(717) 391-5719
Business / Home Office(855) 533-3444
Annual Statement - Fax(717) 735-1775
Policyholder Information Contact - Fax(717) 399-3781
Licensing - Fax(717) 399-3781
Regulatory Compliance/Gvmt Relations Contact - Fax(717) 481-8219
Company Licenses/Fees Contact - Fax(717) 481-8219
Consumer Complaint - Fax(717) 481-8219
Catastrophe/Disaster Coordination Contact - Fax(717) 399-3781
Claim Information Contact - Fax(717) 481-7170
P & C Form and Rate Filing - Fax(717) 481-5283
Licensing - Agent Licensing Phone(855) 533-3444
Annual Statement - Annual Statement(717) 735-1717
Premium Tax Contact - Premium Tax (205) 802-4749
TypeInternet Information
Annual Statement - Business
P & C Form and Rate Filing - Business
Licensing - Business
Premium Tax Contact - Business
Catastrophe/Disaster Coordination Contact - Business
Claim Information Contact - Business
Policyholder Information Contact - Business

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