Licensee Search Details
NameCovill, Christopher DOIID706156NAIC NPN6904198
License - Line of Authority Information
StatusResidencyClassLine of AuthorityActive DateInactive DateLicense Expiration DateDesignated Home State
InactiveNon ResidentAgentProperty5/21/20099/30/2016  
InactiveNon ResidentAgentCasualty5/21/20099/30/2016  
InactiveNon ResidentAgentVariable Life and Variable Annuities5/21/20099/30/2016  
InactiveNon ResidentAgentLife5/21/20099/30/2016  
InactiveNon ResidentAgentHealth5/21/20099/30/2016  
*If a status is Pending, Pending Replacement,or the record displays Affidavit on File, click on them for more details.
Notice: The Department verifies, at the time of application for a Variable Life and Variable Annuity line of authority, that an agent is registered with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the applicant has passed the Series 6 or greater exam. The Department does not verify registration with FINRA after the agent is qualified by the Department to receive the Variable Life and Variable Annuity line of authority. If you have questions about a broker’s FINRA registration status, you should check this status directly with FINRA.
No License Renewal Information
NOTE: Licensee may renew up to 6 months prior to Next Compliance Date. Licensees subject to CE must complete CE requirements before Next Compliance Date in order to successfully complete the License Renewal Process.
Address Information
Kentucky law requires that YOU keep a current resident and business address on file with the Office of Insurance.

KRS 304.2-120 Orders and notices in general -- Service.

All persons holding licenses or certificates of authority from the commissioner shall maintain current residence, business, home office, and administrative addresses, as applicable, on file with the commissioner. Licensees shall inform the commissioner in writing in a format acceptable to the commissioner of any change in addresses or legal name within thirty (30) days of the change. As a condition to holding a license or certificate of authority from the commissioner, persons holding licenses or certificate of authority are deemed to have consented to service of notices and orders of the commissioner at their addresses on file with the commissioner and any notice or order of the commissioner mailed or delivered to the address on file with the commissioner constitutes valid service of notice or order.

KRS 304.99-020 Civil penalties.

For any violation of this code where the commissioner has the power to revoke or suspend a license or certificate of authority he may in lieu thereof or in addition to such revocation or suspension impose a civil penalty against the violator in the case of an insurer, a fraternal benefit society, nonprofit hospital, medical-surgical, dental, and health service corporation, health maintenance organization, or prepaid dental plan organization, of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per violation; in the case of an agent, broker or solicitor of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) per violation; in the case of an adjuster, administrator, or consultant of not more than two thousand dollars ($2,000) per violation.
Business / Home Office12421 Meredith Dr Urbandale, IA 503989001
ResidenceNot Public Information
Internet Information
Business - Bad Email-Correction requested
Phone Information
Business / Home Office(515) 365-1034

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