S17371 - Advanced Ag Protection | CONTACT: Billy Cotner PHONE: |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C100464 - 2025 SPRING AGENT UPDATE - WEBINAR | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100187 - 2025 FALL AGENT UPDATE WEBINAR | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100196 - CROP INSURANCE 101 WEBINAR | 12 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26894 - 2024 Adjuster Update -Webinar | 16 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S17245 - Aetna Inc. | CONTACT: Tamera Monshower PHONE: |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C25852 - Senior Sensitivity-Webinar | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80495 - Pharmacy and Formulary 101- Webinar | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80494 - Pharmacy and Formulary 101 -Classroom | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S16093 - AFBIS, Inc. | CONTACT: Tonya Ham PHONE: (919) 783-4331 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C26589 - 2024 Livestock Risk Protection Certificate Cours-W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S10065 - American United Life Insurance Company - Indiv Marketing | CONTACT: Joyce Coots PHONE: (859) 692-2263 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C26633 - Cash Balance Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26634 - Retirement Plan Solutions Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80021 - Auto-Enrollment 1hr -Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24169 - Introduction to Leave Management-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80350 - Deep Dive into Disabiltity Ins 1hr (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80352 - Partnership and Trends in Group Disability Ins WEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23782 - Understanding Group Disablity Benefit Taxation WEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80491 - Advanced Overview of Leave Management Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80665 - Understanding Education & Enrollment of Employ WEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25854 - The Tax Exempt Market Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80023 - Auto-Enrollment 2 Hr -Webinar | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S15241 - Brighthouse Services, LLC c/o RegEd | CONTACT: Lula Melisko PHONE: |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C23633 - Use Of Annuities In Trust | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23209 - The Missing Piece to Retirment Confidence | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26812 - Telling The RILA Story-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24891 - Retirement Income for a New Retirement Reality-Web | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23093 - Seeking Tax Alpha in a Changing Environment Webina | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S11320 - Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company | CONTACT: Adam Krenke PHONE: (877) 593-3366 EXT - 120 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C24123 - DistributionPlanning-WealthTsfrFrtheModernRetiree | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26232 - Shift Efficient Front Strctrd Annu Accum Port-WEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80017 - Annuity Asset Claims:Building Suitable/EffectivWEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24269 - Four Stages of Annuity Income (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24135 - Planning for Changing Dynamics- Helping to underst | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24116 - Ethics-Responsibilities as a Producer | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26747 - Dr.Pfau''sFinalFrontier-AnnuitiesWithLivingBenefi-W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24125 - DefinedBenefitPlns:ANewFundingOpprotunity Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S10761 - Erie Insurance Group | CONTACT: Karen Marie Lloyd PHONE: |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C20631 - ErieSecure Business-2021-E2070 Webinar | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25516 - CustomCollection-ReligiousOrganizations-E3061-Web | 4 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24293 - Custom Collection=Resturants-E3057 Web | 4 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24292 - Custom Collection-Manufactures-E3058 Web | 4 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24291 - Custon Collection - Contractors-E3059 Web | 4 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24290 - Custom Collection-Auto Services-E3060 Web | 4 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S12560 - Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company of Iowa | CONTACT: Lance Van Vleet PHONE: |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C100345 - 2025 SPRING UPDATE PRIVATE PRODUCTS WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100136 - MARGIN PROTECTING - WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100369 - 2025 CH UPDATE WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100302 - FMH QUOTER WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C27104 - Pre API Training-Webinar | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80476 - 2023 MPCI Fall Update -Webinar | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26974 - 2025 Livestock Update-Webinar | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26944 - Dairy Revenue Training-Webinar | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26970 - Livestock Risk Protection Training -Webinar | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100367 - 2025 MPCI SPRING UPDATE WEBINAR | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S10450 - Federal Insurance Company | CONTACT: Kathleen Harned PHONE: (908) 903-3691 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C26718 - OutsmartingFraudsters:RiskMitigationInAccountPay-W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25580 - Social Engineering Fraud Coverage-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26158 - ManagingVolatilityInTheCurrentLitigationEnviron-We | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25879 - Cyber Liability Insurance-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26268 - MiscellaneousProfessionalLiabilityInsuranceCover-W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26756 - Managing Defense Base Act Coverage-Webinar | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S12427 - Great American Insurance Company - Crop Division | CONTACT: Rebecca Combs PHONE: (513) 763-8483 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C100174 - ETHICS FOR CROP INSURANCE AGENTS WEBINAR | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80646 - MPCI Basic Webinar Training Part 3 -Webinar | 4 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24626 - MPCI Basic Webinar Training Part 1-Webinar | 4 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100421 - 2025 MPCI SPRING UPDATE DISTANCE LEARNING WEBINAR | 4 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100003 - 2025 MPCI FALL UPDATE TRAINING DISTANCE LEARNING - WEBINAR | 4 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24630 - MPCI Basic Webinar Training Part 2-Webinar | 4 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S11905 - Great West Casualty Company | CONTACT: Lula Melisko PHONE: (800) 334-8322 EXT - 5297 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C10845 - Commercial Trucking (CT) 2800-Cargo Claims-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C10850 - Commercial Trucking (CT) 2400Physical Damage-Web | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C10846 - Commercial Trucking (CT) 2500-Liability Claims Web | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C10851 - Commercial Trucking (CT) 2300WorkersCompClaimsWeb | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C10489 - CTW 460-Independent Contractors Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100347 - CTW 435 - ENTITIES & ESTATES WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C10865 - CTW 430 Ethics Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C10852 - Commercial Trucking (CT) 2200-Safety Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C10860 - CTW 440 Contracts & Certificates Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C10859 - CTW 410 Workers Comp Riskd & Experience RatingsWEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C10855 - Commercial Trucking (CT)2600 Subrogation Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C10857 - CTW 420- Understanding Captive Programs Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C10854 - Commercial Trucking (CT) 2700WorkersComp SafteyWeb | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S11416 - Guardian Life Insurance Company | CONTACT: Adam Krenke PHONE: (877) 593-3366 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C24544 - SolvingTheLeaveMgmtPuzzle:Challenges&BestPracti-We | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S16756 - Hudson Insurance Group | CONTACT: Leesha Heins PHONE: (913) 378-2922 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C26909 - 2025 Dairy Revenue Protection Training Webinar | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100352 - 2025 ETHICS IN CROP INSURANCE WEBINAR | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26911 - 2025 Livestock Gross Margin Training Webinar | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26914 - 2025 Livestock Risk Protection Webinar | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100584 - 2025 INTRO TO CROP INSURANCE: BASICS WEBINAR | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100556 - 2025 INTRO TO CROP INSURANCE: INTERMEDIATE WEBINAR | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100557 - 2025 INTRO TO CROP INSURANCE: ADVANCED WEBINAR | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100558 - 2025 INTRO TO CROP INSURANCE: EXPERT WEBINAR | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26916 - 2025 Livestock Update Training Webinar | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100351 - 2025 SPRING AGENT UPDATE WEBINAR | 4 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S11509 - Jackson National Life Distributors | CONTACT: Adam Krenke PHONE: (877) 593-3366 EXT - 120 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C16836 - BroadenYourView-PlanningforUncertaintywithAnn(Web) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25767 - OneSizeDoesNotFitAll:GeneratingRetirementIncome-We | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25664 - TaxPlaybook:HelpIdentify&PlugTheHolesInYourClien-W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24147 - RetirementBlindSpots:LessonsfromBehavioral WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S10139 - Lincoln National Life Insurance Co/CT c/o Quest CE Solutions | CONTACT: Adam Krenke PHONE: (877) 593-3366 EXT - 120 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C23429 - The A-Z of LTC (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23431 - Short Term Disability (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23432 - All in the Family: Multigenerational Income (Webin | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S10031 - Mass Mutual Life Insurance Company | CONTACT: Cynthia B. Guerci PHONE: (413) 744-6305 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C26492 - Estate Planning For Small Business Owners-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26494 - Using Loans In Estate And Business Planning-Webina | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26491 - SocialSecurity&Medicare...UnderstandingTheBenef-We | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26495 - Executive Benefit Planning With Life Insurance-Web | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26490 - Estate Planning Mistakes-The Top Ten-Webinar | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S17097 - Merchants Bonding Company | CONTACT: Shelby Boyd PHONE: |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C100182 - UNDERSTANDING SURETY CLAIMS WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100184 - INTRODUCTION TO COMMERCIAL SURETY WEBINAR | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S11094 - Nationwide Life Insurance Company c/o Quest Cont Ed Solution | CONTACT: Adam Krenke PHONE: (877) 593-3366 EXT - 120 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C26293 - Protecting Your Value and Legacy (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26805 - UsingVariableAnnuitiesWithGuaranteedLifetimeWith-W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24175 - Cash Balance Plans in the Retirement Planning Mark | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24174 - Beneficiary & Wealth XFER Planning After the SECUR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24167 - Benchmarking Fees and Services-As Essential Elemen | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23041 - Advance Concepts in nonnqualified Defferred Comp(W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C10046 - Permissible Means of Disclosing Info to Plan Part | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22843 - Life Insurance Income Tax Traps (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22848 - Social Security the Choice of a Lifetime(Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22844 - LTC Planning-Are Your Clients Prepared(Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22847 - Retirement Income-Tax Basics (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22845 - LTC Last Phase of Retirement Planning(Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24127 - Nonqualified Annuity Stretch Strategy (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22899 - The XX Factor:How to Future Proof your Advisory(We | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22893 - The New Wealth Transfer (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22889 - The Convergence of Health and Wealth (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22890 - The Influence of the States in Retirement Plan (We | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C28417 - Long Term Care-The Double Edged Sword for Women | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24132 - Exiting the Exit Plan: Tax Consequences oF BuySell | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22994 - Tax Planning Opportunities Retirement Income(Webin | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80138 - Todays Retirement Plan-Focused Financial Profes-We | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C19748 - Legacy Essentials-Wealth Transfer(Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80399 - Hot Topics for Today''s Plan Sponsors (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80398 - Tax Planning Tip and Updates (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26180 - Planning For A Smooth Business Transition(Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25052 - Special Considerations for Hispanic ClientsWebinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80493 - ThreeUniqueCategoriesOfRetirementPlanInvestments-W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23631 - A Plan Sponsor''s Alernative Fiduciary Solution(web | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26311 - UnderstandingHealthcareCosts&TheirImpactOnRetire-W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80683 - ExploringTaxDiversificationInANon-QualifiedBrok-We | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80519 - Special Considerations:Black Clients Fin FutureWEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80045 - AnnuityContractOwnership-AnnuityDrivenContact-Web | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100240 - TOP 10 ADVANCED ANNUITY AND IRA PLANNING IDEA WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26638 - Understanding LTC Tax Advantages(Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25501 - Using Todays Annuity Features In Trust(Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S17307 - New York Life Group Benefit Solutions | CONTACT: Lisa Goyette PHONE: (608) 518-4543 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C18501 - AbsenceMindedInsightsonFMLAandInsuredLeaveRiskWeb | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C21990 - Statutory Disability and PFML/PFL Web | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26956 - BTA Insurance: An Employer''s Duty of Care Offe WEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C27016 - IntroductionToVoluntaryBenefits:Accident,Critica-W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26954 - Overview of FMLA (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26957 - A Review of ADA and Company Leave Admin (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C18494 - L T Disability Underwriting&Case Level Rating Web | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C18490 - FMLA & ADA Webinar | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C19734 - Ethics for Insurance Producers 2nd Edition Web | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S11556 - Pacific Life Insurance Company c/o Quest CE | CONTACT: Adam Krenke PHONE: (887) 593-3366 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C17930 - CC: Adding an Annuity to an IRA (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C12306 - CC: Creditor Concerns for Retirement Savings (Web) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C12993 - Ethics, Senior Clients, and You -Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C28252 - CC:Should a CRT BE Beneficiary...Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24041 - Ethical..Annuities Money in Motion Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23564 - CC: Should My Trust be the Bene....-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23552 - CC: Plng For Healthcare in Ret- Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23555 - Client COnversations:IRAs in Today''s Tax Enviromen | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23554 - Elements of Value-How Advisors Can Use Insured Sol | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23561 - CC: Insuring Ret for Todays''s Woman-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23558 - Client Conversations: IDK about NQAs-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23562 - Non-Qualified Deferred Annuties-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23559 - Managing Risks in Retirement-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23557 - Client Conversatins:ROth IRAs-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23547 - client conversations creating lifetime income webi | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23563 - Retirement Planning Strategies for Growth,Income a | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C28042 - Money in Motion:Opportunities..Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C19093 - CC:SS-When Should I Claim My Benefit(Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22098 - Client Conversations:Seven Ideas to Manage RMD(Web | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22128 - Client Conversations:Leaving a Legacy w/Annuit(Web | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C19447 - CC:Today''s Inherited IRA (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80709 - ClientConversations:EarlyDistributionfromRetirem-W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26971 - Tips&Traps:RILA''s&OthersNonqualifiedAnnuites(Web) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25897 - Living On The Net-After Tax Income -Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S10266 - Pacific Life Insurance Company c/o RegEd, Inc. | CONTACT: Brandi Brown PHONE: (800) 334-8322 EXT - 5266 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C25337 - Opportunities Abound Plngf orbusOwnersUsngLfInsWeb | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C15087 - Gone,But Not Forgotten:Legacy Planning Using (Web) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25212 - TheFederalEstateTaxExemption:UseItOrLoseIt-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25246 - AddressingtheRetirementShortfallUsingLifeIns-WEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25251 - ComprehensiveBusinessSuccession&ExitPlanningUsin-W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80391 - 5UniqueStrategiesYouMayNotHaveHeardOfLifeIns-Web | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25282 - ExeComp:HelpingKeuPeopleFillTheRetirementGap WEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C21871 - Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plans and Life | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C28221 - What Clients Don''t Know About Long-Term Care (Web) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C15085 - Life Insurance Planning for Foreign National(Web) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C15084 - Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plan&Life(Web) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25214 - Navigating The Executive Benefits Maze-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S17297 - Paramount Dental | CONTACT: Zach Shannon PHONE: |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C15739 - Dental Foundations (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S11623 - Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company | CONTACT: Adam Krenke PHONE: (877) 593-3366 EXT - 120 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C26985 - Split Dollar:It''s Not So Scary-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24897 - Tax Life of a Life Insurance Policy Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S10240 - Principal Life Insurance Co. c/o RegEd Inc | CONTACT: Lula Melisko PHONE: (919) 653-5297 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C23306 - Taking a Closer Look at Voluntary Benefits Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23394 - Takeover Cases-Things to Think About When Trans-We | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23354 - Group Dental Ins.Benefit Design&Trash Consider-Web | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26398 - BenefitAdministrationSystems-EasilyManageInsuran-W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24318 - Draft a Plan to Help Protect Business Owners (web) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24320 - Combination Disability Insurance (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26881 - FMLA-What It Is.How It Works.(Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24503 - Long-TermDisabilityBenefitDesignConsiderations-Web | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23683 - Employee Leave Considerations-Webinar | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S12420 - Producers Agriculture Insurance Company | CONTACT: Lisa Greene PHONE: (913) 307-9988 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C25497 - 2024 Livestock Update Webinar | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100447 - 2025 RAINFALL INDEX UPDATE WEBINAR | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26955 - 2025 Livestock Update Webinar | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C27131 - 2025 Fall Agents Updates-Webinar | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C27044 - 2024 Adjuster Training Sections 2 Webinar | 4 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26950 - 2024 Adjuster Training Section I Webinar | 4 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S11240 - Protective Life Insurance Company | CONTACT: Adam Krenke PHONE: (877) 593-3366 EXT - 120 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C23134 - MedicareMadeSimple:HelpClientsPrepareforImportant | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23186 - Guide to Ethical Standards&Professional ConductWeb | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23187 - Ethics:Rules to Follow(Webinar) | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S17338 - Pruco Life Insurance Company / QuestCE | CONTACT: Adam Krenke PHONE: |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C26038 - Staying in Charge:Understanding Al''s ImplicatioWEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80447 - CashValueLifeIns-ReimaginethePossibilities(Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24302 - The Perfect Storm for Retirement Planning-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80269 - Legacy Planning Strategies(Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80215 - ExitPlanning for theCloselyHeldBusinessUsingLife-W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23848 - Advanced Leveraged Gifting Stratrgies-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80204 - Advanced Roth Strategies (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80206 - 12IRAMistakes:HelpYourClientsAvoidCommom&CostlyWEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80208 - Soc Sec: Ideas/Help Clients'' SS Income (Web) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80302 - Managing Risks/Ret.Red Zone:7 Risks/Red Zone(WEB) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80315 - Advanced Strategies to Increase Social Security-We | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80323 - Spousal Protect.Strategies:Provid.for a Spouse WEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23868 - TruthAboutAnnuities:DispellingMytha/Misconcep(Web) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80228 - ImportanceofPolicyReview&MirroredLoanOpp(Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80223 - YourClients1040ARoadmapUncoveringPlanningNeeds(WEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80226 - Top7TechnologyTrendsforToday''sFinancialAdvisor(WEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80317 - Breached Guide to Protect Info & Dfnd AgainstITWEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80319 - AFinancialProGuidetotheChangingTaxEnvironment WEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80516 - FinancialProfessionalGuideToCharitablePlanningOp-W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80290 - Managing Health Care Cost in Retirement-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80282 - Business Continuation -Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80287 - Estate Planning In The Current Tax Environment(Web | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80258 - Special Needs Planning-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80262 - Smart Money WhereProInvesters are Finding Opp(WEB) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80256 - Ret Plng Strategies/Social Security and Medicare-W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80241 - Guide to Markets (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80239 - Is a Bear Hibernating?(Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80170 - Protecting Retirement Income (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80244 - The Roadmap to Retirement (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80528 - It''sANumbersGame:It''sAboutCashFlowNot/CashPile-Web | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25162 - Estate Planning and Transferring Wealth Strateg-We | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100528 - CASH: WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? (WEBINAR) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26069 - The Art&Science oF Retirement Income Planning(Web) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26478 - 5CrucialTechnologyTrendsforToday''sFinancialAdv WEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26028 - EstatePlanningWithRetirementAssetsAfterTheSECURE-W | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25235 - The SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 (WEBINAR) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80283 - ProfessionalEthics:DoingBusinessTheRightWay(Webina | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S17166 - Rural Community Insurance Company | CONTACT: Tara Dirkswager PHONE: (763) 433-2362 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C100126 - 2025 RY FALL CROP INSURANCE AGENT UPDATE WEBINAR | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100463 - 2025 RY SPRING REGIONAL CROP INSURANCE 3 WEBINAR | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26307 - 2024 RY Spring Crop Insurance Agent Update-Webinar | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100359 - 2025 RY SPRING CROP INSURANCE AGENT UPDATE WEBINAR | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S12299 - SECURA Insurance | CONTACT: Angela Kain PHONE: (920) 830-4499 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C11534 - Web-Commercial Coverage Gaps | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C27154 - Web-Safe&Strong:Ins.SolutionsForHealthClubs,Yoga&P | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24581 - WEB - Specialty Work Comp Overview | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25813 - Web-Specialty Wrap Coverage Enhancements | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25903 - Webinar-Commercial Property Ordinance Or Law Cover | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25904 - Webinar-Manufacturing Operations Overview | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25905 - Webinar-Risk Management Overview | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25902 - Webinar-Aquaponics And Vertical Farming | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C27017 - Webinar-BuildingWithConfidence:InsuranceStrategies | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C27018 - Webinar-HealingWithCoverage:InsuranceStrategiesFor | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25867 - Webinar-Custom Farming | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25871 - Webinar-Seed Merchants | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25868 - Webinar-Insuring Small Business | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25870 - Webinar-Restaurants,BeverageManufacturing&Wineries | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25869 - Webinar-Lawn Care and Landscaping Contractors | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26651 - Webinar-Elite Additional Insured WRAP | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26652 - Webinar-The Commercial Umbrella | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25170 - Webinar-UL-300 | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24662 - Webinar-Garage and Repair | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C11661 - Independent Contractor vs. Employee (Web) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C23924 - Web-Addit. Insured & Risk Transfer | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22871 - Web-Co-Insurance & Commercial Property Coverage | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80386 - Web-Micro Brews & Wineries | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80433 - Webinar - Food Products Manufacturing | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80081 - Web-Forgotten Contractors-Ag | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80080 - Webinar-Insuring Industrial Hemp Operations | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80434 - Webinar - Life of a Claim in Agribusiness | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80435 - Webinar-Risk Management and Agribusiness Operation | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80403 - Webinar-Emerging Issues in Agribusiness Insurance | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80407 - Webinar-Current Trends in Agribusiness Insurance | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80408 - Webinar-Emerging Issues in Farm/Agribusiness Ins | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80406 - Webinar-Agribusiness Coverages | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80402 - Webinar- Agribusiness Wraps | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80409 - Webinar-Writing Funeral Services | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80260 - Webinar-Named Insured/Additional Named Insured | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80264 - Webinar Contractors & Inland Marine | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24647 - Web-Business Income Coverage | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24649 - Web-Employment Claims | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26898 - Web-Growing Opportunities:InsuranceStrategiesForFa | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26899 - Web:SecuringTheHarvest:InsuranceCoveragesForFarmSu | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26897 - Web-AgibusinessContractorInsurance:ProtectingAgric | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C27078 - Web-InsuringBeauty:ProtectingYourSalon,Barbershop | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C27077 - Web-Paws&Policies:InsuranceEssentialsForPetCarePro | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24661 - Webinar-Underwriting Restaurants | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24663 - Webinar-Details Do Matter! | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C11720 - Web - Restaraunts | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22863 - Webinar-Additional Insureds & Risk Transfer | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22799 - Web-Emerging Issues | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24650 - Web-EPLI | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80076 - Web-Current Trends in Farm/Agribusiness Insurance | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80075 - Webinar-CGL Commom Pitfalls | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26542 - Web-Manufacturing Operations Overview | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22798 - Web-Property Valuation | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C12295 - Commercial Lines vs Specialty Lines - Web | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S17342 - Socius Insurance Services, Inc. | CONTACT: Gena DeBartolo PHONE: |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C100045 - EXCESS & SURPLUS LINES 101 WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24481 - Hot Topics in Management, Professional & Cyber Liability Coverages | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24457 - An Intro to Directors & Officers Liability(Webinar | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26394 - AnIntroductionToEmploymentPracticesLiability-Webin | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24446 - Understanding Cyber Risk & Insurance Coverage WEB | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24447 - UnderstandingEnvironmentalIns&ContractorsPollu WEB | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S10406 - Transamerica Life Insurance Company | CONTACT: Adam Krenke PHONE: (877) 593-3366 EXT - 120 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C24176 - Behavorial Finance (Webinar) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C11528 - Investing /w Purpose: Goals-Based Approach (Web) | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C28754 - EstatePlanning Considerations f/ Foreign Nationals | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24141 - Understanding the Evolving Role of Employee Benefi | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22987 - Beyond Money:The Rest of Retirement Planning | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22989 - Marriage and Money | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22727 - Financial Professional Guide To Estate Plann WEB | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22988 - IRAs:Goldmine or Minefield | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22986 - A Field Guide to Social Security | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C28458 - Ethics (Webinar) | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S13228 - Voya Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company c/o RegEd | CONTACT: Lula Melisko PHONE: (800) 334-8322 EXT - 5249 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C10348 - Leave Management in the Market-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C22732 - Group Disability Insurance 101-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80085 - Introduction to Health Savings Accounts-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C26564 - Group Disability Insurance 201-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80090 - Introduction to Health Reimbursement-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C18409 - Five Tips to Improve HSA Engagement-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80074 - Introduction to Flexible Spending Accounts-Webinar | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C24500 - Stop Loss Product Fundamentals Webinar | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S12353 - West Bend Mutual Insurance Company | CONTACT: David Lemke PHONE: (262) 365-2687 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C100250 - ETHICS 3 - WHAT WENT WRONG? - WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100262 - PARENTAL LIABILTY - WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100255 - ALL ABOUT AUDITS - WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100251 - ETHICS 1 - WHY DO WE DO WHAT WE DO - WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100245 - UNDERSTANDING COURT AND PROBATE BONDS - WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100246 - HOW TO CLASSIFY COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILES - WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100247 - FLOOD INSURANCE BASICS - WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C100248 - CYBER RISK: THE BASICS - WEBINAR | 1 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80596 - The Flow of E&O - Webinar | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C80597 - ElectronicSignatures&PolicyDeliverytheFunda WEB | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C25975 - E&O Gray Areas With New Business-Webinar | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |
S16906 - Wright National Flood Insurance Company | CONTACT: Savannah Stark PHONE: (727) 568-7695 |
| Course Number - Name | Credit Hours | Instruction Type |
| C25158 - Introduction To Flood Insurance -Webinar | 2 | Webinar (Classroom) |
| C94634 - NFIP Flood Course - Webinar | 3 | Webinar (Classroom) |