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Risk Purchasing Groups

Pursuant to the Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986, specifically 15 U.S.C. § 3903, risk purchasing groups may be formed to purchase liability insurance.  The Kentucky statutes are set out in KRS 304.45-010 through 304.45-150.  Before soliciting members or coverage in Kentucky, each group must file a notice of intent and registration as well as a service of process.  There is no filing fee for this registration.  No annual renewal is required, but prompt notice is required of any changes in the information provided.  This would include changes in the address of the purchasing group, officers of the group, insurance companies for the group, process agent, or the group's surplus lines broker.

Complete the notice form (RPG-1) and return it with a copy of the service of process form (RPG-2) to the Division of Insurance Product Regulation, Property and Casualty Branch, Kentucky Department of Insurance, 500 Mero Street, 2 SE 11, Frankfort, KY 40601.